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Frolic - 1971-11

Renee Clarke has FC + 5 pgs inc a color CF. Hedy Quist has 4 pgs inc a full pg color pin-up, Birgetta Nilsen and Carol Kirsten each have 3 pgs. Babette Bardot, Debbie Buford (is Jayne Chetakian), Holly Hollis, Monika Bevley, Tracy Shaw, Joey Du Pree, Kitty Lynn, Leslie Peterson, Mona Bern and Bobbye Bobst each have 2 pgs. Plus dozens of other models inc several very familiar faces. Bright & glossy, clean white cover, small date stamp near top edge - FINE

Product #: frol1971-11c
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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