Jessica Fox-p
Busty blond dancer and adult film star from mid 90s. Also appeared as Jennifer Fox and has supposed sister named Jerica Fox.
Club - Best of # 093
Product ID: club-bo.083e6-7/94 - Carla Fernandez has 10 pgs inc CF (Hol 92). Charmaine Sinclair (8/93) and Melanie Larsen (6/93) each have 8 pgs. Shelley (aka Stacy Moran - 10/93), Linda (7/93) and Suzanne Brando (6/93) each have 6 pgs and Angela Summers has 5 pgs (3/92 less pg 49). Girlfriends Jenny & Kia Delao share 6 pgs (4/94) and Heather & Taylor have 6 ps (2/94 less pgs 40-41). Jessica Fox has 8 pgs w/ Rocco Sifreddi (12/93), Jo Guest & Nella Passarella have 8 pgs w/ Darren (Hol 93), Adreinne, Julie & Kelvin share 10 pgs (5/94) and Danyel Cheeks has 6 pgs w/ boyfriend Rod (5/94). Mag is in nice shape but covers have some wear - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Fox - 1994-04
Product ID: fox1994-04dCovergirl Lisa also has 7 pgs. Girlfriends Kara, Carly & Kim share 8 pgs inc CF. Krysti Lynn has 7 pgs plus a separate 3 pg Interview w/ pic. Trisha has 7 pgs and Angel Bust has 6 pgs. Jessica Fox has 7 pgs w/ Rocco Sifreddi. Bright & glossy, a few stresses and small bump on bottom right corner - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Fox - 1994-07
Product ID: fox1994-07bCandy Cripe has FC + 6 pgs. Girlfriends Aris & Tanya share 9 pgs inc CF - 1 is Chloe Vevrier. Lisa Lipps has 7 pgs plus a separate 3pg Interview w/ pic. Cameo has 6 pgs, Veronica Brazil has 7 pgs as 'Veronique'. Jessica & Jerica Fox have 7 pgs w/ an unknown guy. Very bright & glossy, clean white cover, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
New Rave - 1997-05
Product ID: rave1997-05cv2 #5 - Covergirl is Shayla Laveaux. Cathleen Raymond has 10 pgs as 'Sunny Delytes' and Fantasia also has 10 pgs. Chia has 10 pgs and Gina (Wildes?) has 8 pgs. Girlfriends Becca & June share 10 pgs inc CF and Jessica Fox (as 'Cindy') has 10 pgs w/ boyfriend Leonardo. Plus a 3 pg Interview w/ pics of porn star Chloe and a 5 pg feature on the artist Coop. Very bright & glossy, lightly read, TINY crease on bottom right corner - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Swank - Best Of - 1994-09
Product ID: swan-bo1994-09c"For Adults Only" - Lots of familiar faces in this one. Cody has 10 pgs inc CF, Tracy Gibb and girlfriend share a huge 12 pg pictorial. Tanya (Hyde) has 8 pgs, Jessica Fox and boyfriend Joe have 5 pgs, girlfriends Nicole (Simmons?) and Terri share 5 pgs. Very bright & glossy, lightly read, small bump at bottom of spine - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Video Busty #4
Product ID: fran-videobusty.4No date - mid 90s vintage high quality French magazine on glossy paper. Covergirl Nikki Knockers also has 7 pgs. Europe Dichan has 7 pgs, Erica Everest & girlfriend share 7 pgs. Amber Rose (aka Bodacious Babbette)has 6 pgs, Jessica Fox and boyfriend have 6 pgs. Candy Cummings has 4 pgs. Very bright & glossy, spine stresses, minor scuffing - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00