Susan Woods-p
Tall, usually blonde Vegas showgirl/model, normally w/ short hair, was popular from late 50s thru the mid 60s. Was Centerfold in Modern Man 9/58 and again in 10/66 (same photo!), appeared in Follies 5/67, Frolic 10/64 and numerous other titles including a bunch of vintage PN pubs.
Bears a striking resemblance to a model named Carol Baker and they may be the same girl - see additional listings under Carol Baker.
Ace - 1959-08
Product ID: ace1959-08dCovergirl Betty Serrano also has 3 pgs and Susan Woods has BC + 3 pgs. Shirley Quimby (as Corey Stevens), Jeri Osaki, Nancy Owens and Coreen Amsterdam each have 2 pgs. Plus 4 pgs of Beach Beauties, articles about W.C. Fields and the Great Bunion Derby of 1928 and fiction by Ted Mark 'The Care and Selection of a Mistress'. Bright & glossy, some minor stresses, small number '30' writtten on top right corner of cover.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Caper - 1959-07
Product ID: capr1959-07ev5 #4 - Covergirl Jeanne Fievez also has 3 pgs - she is also in Escapade 12/58. Kitty Dolan has 6 pgs inc CF, Broadway showgirl Tanya Corlette has 4 pgs in a bath and Susan Woods has 3 pgs as a toreador. Also a long article about Paul Anderson - the world's strongest man. An article about Yoga w/ pics and one about the Aurora auto. Earle Schell fiction 'A Certain Samaritan'. Bright & glossy, a bit of minor wear - nice VG.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Modern Man - 1958-09
Eve Meyer killer FC by hubby Russ + 4 pgs. Susan Woods has 5 pgs inc color CF by Keith Bernard. Sande Marlowe has a full pg color pic. Features on Errol Flynn, the boss behind Mercedes-Benz, fencing, nerve gas and more.