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Hustler International and Foreign Editions

Hustler International Editions are basically the same as the American Edition but dated one month later (the April 1987 issue has the same content as the March 1987 American Edition). They have the words 'International Edition' on the front cover under the title. They are apparently reprints since they have the additional wording on the cover, a different date than the American edition and in some cases photos have been censored with black dots.

Hustler Foreign Editions are produced under license in a number of countries and the contents of each are different, as well as being different from the American Edition.

The magazines listed in this section are the International Editions unless specifically noted as being from a different country.   

    Australian Hustler 1996-10

    Australian Hustler 1996-10

    Product ID: hust-aust1996-10d
    v1 #10 - The publication credits say that 3 editions of Hustler are produced monthly: Hustler, Hustler Hard and Gold Label and the contents vary from one to another. This appears to be the Hard edition since there is a circular label on the cover that says "HARD". Blonde Covergirl Jay also has 10 pgs inc CF. Angela, Tabatha, Leanne and girlfriends Katie & Erika each have 8 pgs, Regina has 6 pgs. An anonymous girl has 8 pgs with a group of little green Martians - same a US 1/91 - 1st 8 pgs only. Nearly new copy with clean white cover, but there is a 2 1/2" slice on the cover from something like a box cutter.

    Number in Stock: 1
    Price: $15.00
    • Quantity:

    Hustler Int. Ed 1987-04

    Hustler Int. Ed 1987-04

    Product ID: hust-int1987-04d
    Penny Morgan (aka Rachel Ryan) has FC + 11 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Elle Rio has 8 pgs w/ biker boyfriend. Sondra has 6 pgs and girlfriends Jacky & Suzanne share 9 pgs. Articles about smut comic Robert Schimmel and drug testing. Bright & Glossy, slighly soft bottom right corner.

    Number in Stock: 1
    Price: $15.00
    • Quantity:

    Hustler Int. Ed 1987-09

    Hustler Int. Ed 1987-09

    Product ID: hust-int1987-09d
    Covergirl Isabel also has 7 pgs. Sally has 12 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Girlfriends Hadley & Martha share 7 pgs, plus a cocktail party with 10 pople - 6 girls (1 is Jasae) & 4 guys. Articles about our secret government and videotape vs. film. Alex Ebel has a 2 pg illo. A bit loose around staples, scuffing on BC

    Number in Stock: 1
    Price: $10.00
    • Quantity:

    Hustler Int. Ed 1987-10

    Hustler Int. Ed 1987-10

    Product ID: hust-int1987-10c
    Barbara Dare has gorgeous FC + 14  pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF and an Interview. Paulette has 6 pgs, girlfriends Jacky & Lynn share 8 pgs (one is Janette Littledove?). Blake Palmer has 8 pgs w/ a 3 girl rock band. Articles about casino Do's and Dont's and junk mail from God (Jerry Falwell). Bright & glossy - Fine

    Number in Stock: 1
    Price: $20.00
    • Quantity:

    Hustler Int. Ed 1987-11

    Hustler Int. Ed 1987-11

    Product ID: hust-int1987-11c
    Covergirl is Keisha? and Quisha has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Cori'. Beaver Hunt Winner Luce has 8 pgs and girlfriends Hera & Robin share 8 pgs and an anonymous couple have 8 pgs. Article about AIDS research. Bright & glossy - Fine

    Number in Stock: 1
    Price: $10.00
    • Quantity:

    Hustler Int. Ed 1987-12

    Hustler Int. Ed 1987-12

    Product ID: hust-int1987-12d
    Venus Delight has great FC + 12 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Caryn has 6 pgs, girlfriends Carla & Elaine share 8 pgs and Carol & boyfrined Ted have 8 pgs in a sauna. Articles about the new stars of country music and B&D porn on the run. Bright & glossy, minor stresses and scuffing on BC - VG+

    Number in Stock: 4
    Price: $15.00
    • Quantity: