Sally Douglas
Best For Men #31
Product ID: befm.31dv6 #1 - 2/67 - British actress Sally Douglas has very nice close-up FC + 4 pgs. Angela Verdi also has 4 pgs and Lisa Dawn has 3 pgs. A review of Japanese nudie movie 'Cave of Lust', a feature on the California grape festival and Con Sellers fiction 'By the Numbers'. Bright & glossy, small date stamp in upper left corner, light 1" crease on upper corner of BC - Strong VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Escapade - 1961-02
Product ID: escp1961-02dv6 #2 - Marilyn Supry on inside FC + nice 6 pg feature inc CF. Suzanne Rainer on FC + 4 pgs, Sally Douglas also has 4 pgs and the Girls of Denamrk get 4 pgs too! a Short Story by P.G. Wodehouse 'Roderick, The Runt', a feature on vintage airplanes and Escapde visits Georghia Tech.
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00