Allison (Donovan)-p
Busty blond model from early to mid 70s who often appeard anonymously or under bogus names. Most common appears to be just Allison, was CF in ALL MAN 12/72 as Allison Donovan.
Also appeared as Lisa Stevenson in SHOWPIECE v1.3, Teresa Adams in FLING 9/74, Cleo Martini in JAGUAR 2/72, Eve Dignard in KNIGHT 6/72, Charlotte in TOPPER 7/73.
Topper - 1973-07
Anne Ali has nice 7 pg feature as 'Adriana Ragazzini', popular blonde model Allison Donovan has 6 pgs as 'Charlotte'. Plus Movie Reviews of 'Trader Hornee ' and 'Lady Godiva', a feature on Body painting and more girls w/ only one name or none at all. Bright & glossy - FINE