Julia Edwards-p
Popular model from the late 70s - early 80s. Appeared in MAYFAIR v16 #2 under this name and in v18 #3 as Elizabeth Bradley.
Was Covergirl of GALLERY 6/79 and had 6 pgs as 'Marcy Mcleod' and the same month had 10 pgs in GENESIS as 'Catherine Bernard'.
aka Elizabeth Bradley.
Best of Genesis - 1982.1
SPRING - Girls/Girls - Angela James has FC + 8 pgs as 'Monique Eagle' (3/80). Joanne Latham has 4 pgs as 'Ruby Louise' (2/79). Julia Edwards has 10 pgs as 'Catherine' (6/79). Paula Hamilton has 9 pgs as 'Ingrid Nilsson' (5/79 less 1 pg). Shawn Carney as 'Cassie Bern' (9/78), Jennie Shimbeg as 'Barbara' (7/80 - 5 pgs same, 3 diff), Sharon Sorentino as 'Mary' (6/80 less last 2 pgs), Pamela Zinszer as 'Juliet Du Pre' (5/79), Maggie Baron (1/79 less last 2 pgs) and Angela Murphy (9/79) each have 8 pgs and Sandra O'Quinn has 10 pgs (3/80). FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, lightly read.
Cheri - 1979-04
Swinger of the Year Jessica has 8 pgs inc CF, Keli Stewart has 7 pgs as 'April Bodden' and Julia Edwards has 7 pgs as 'Julie'. Sandy Wander & Gilda each have 7 pgs and Lena has 6 pgs. A 9 pg feature on the Marc Stevens/Jill Monro honeymoon and Divine has a 2 pg Interview w/ pics. Cherry Bomb Interviews rocker Rick Derringer. Plus 'Moon Child' a 1 pg color comic by Nicola Cuti and 'Made in Heaven' a 1 pg color comic by Mary Sativa.
Cheri - 1980-06
Lealana has 9 pgs inc 3 pg CF and Tommie has 4 pgs. Both of them share 5 pgs at a gas station and 4 more pgs on a boat. Donna has 7 pgs, Angela and the ever popular Anonymous each have 6 pgs, Suzee and Sasha each have 5 pgs - Sasha is also in 7/80 w/ a diff name. Camella Donnor has 4 pgs as 'Claudine'. Piper Smith & Julia Edwards share 8 pgs and a bath tub as 'Sylvia & Cyrinda'. Cherry Bomb interviews rock band 'The Fabulous Poodles' and a 7 pg feature on the 69 cent Beauty contest from Hollywood, Florida.
Eros - 1981-09
Covergirl is Janine Andrews, Jacqueline Noir (aka J. Lorians) has 7 pgs inc CF. Lisa DeLeeuw has BC + 6 pgs, Julia Edwards (aka Elizabeth Bradley) has 5 pgs and Kitten Natividad has 5 pgs w/ 2 guys. Samantha Fox has her regular 3 pg feature. Plus more girls who have no names. FINE copy is bright & glossy w/ a little light rubbing along right edge & spine.
Gallery - 1979-06
Covergirl Julia Edwards (aka Elizabeth Bradley) also has 6 pgs as Marcy MacLeod. Girl Next Door Evie F has 8 pgs inc a 4 pg double foldout CF. Susie- Ann Watkins has 6 pgs as 'Grace Webber' and Kaene Leila from Fiji has 5 pgs. Int. w/ comedian Richard Lewis. Isaac Asimov article 'Do Scientists Believe in God?' and 'The Slow Dying of the American Army. Tetra - Sci-fi comic.
Genesis - 1979-06
Jennifer Lord has 11 pgs inc CF. Ricky Weiner (was FC of 5/79) has 8 pgs, Julia Edwards has 10 pgs as 'Catherine Bernard'. Interview with Waylon Jennings. Articles about palimony and American soccer star Giorgio Chinaglia.
Also 'Randi Ann Reddy' a 3 pg color comic strip by Larry Hama and Ralph Reese.
Genesis - 1980-11
Covergirl Vera also has 8 pgs. Michelle Bauer has 9 sensational pgs inc CF as Pia Snow. There is also an 8 pg pictorial of 3 girls lingerie shopping that features Michelle, Julia Edwards and a 3rd very familiar looking girl (Jolanda van Amersfoort?). Diane Donovan has 8 pgs. Photo-Interview w/ Grace Slick. Articles about the CIA and women in horror movies plus a pro basketball forecast.
Hustler - 1978-11
Julia Edwards has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Sheila'. Shawn Carney has 8 pgs w/ a werewolf and an anonymous couple have 7 pgs. Suze Randall has 3 bondage pics from the magazine Kinque. Article about the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King by Mark Lane. Articles about Willie Nelson and Abortion. Honey Hooker comic strip - 1st by Brian Forbes. Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo.
Mayfair - V16.02
Product ID: mayf-v16.02dKim Mills has FC, Debbie Wainwright has 8 pgs inc CF. Tammy Patel, Vanessa Patrick & Lucy Whyte have 6 pgs each, Julia Edwards (aka Elizabeth Bradley) has 5 pgs, Mariella & Paula the Punk have 4 pgs each. Nice feature on Armstrong-Siddely autos and an article about the Red Baron. Also 'The Modern Ms' a full pg color illo by Ronald Cobb & 'Carrie' a 2 pg color comic strip. Sharp VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Oui - 1983-05
Covergirl Denise Oldenburg also has a 10 pg pictorial. Shana Ross & girlfriend (Debi Diamond?) w/ automatic weapons share 12 pgs inc CF. Shannon Daniels has 7 pgs, Julia Edwards has 8 pgs as 'Joanna'. Coleen has 7 pgs and Amateur of the Month Audrey has 5 pgs. Greta Garbo has 3 pgs. Interview w/ Deborah Harry (aka Blondie) inc pics. Articles on where to find buried treasure, the French magazine Hari-Kiri and corporate crime in Central America.
Oui - 1986-03
Begin 'New Look'. Jennifer has FC + huge 11 pg pictorial inc CF and a
giant detachable 8 pg poster. Jill Russo (as 'Victoria') has 7 pgs w/ another girl (same photo set as Man to Man 3/81, also used in SIR). Julia Edwards (aka Elizabeth Bradley) has 8 pgs as 'Monica'. Plus 6 pgs of photos BY Annie Sprinkle. Also a 6 pg feature on mudwrestling and a long article on Africa w/ lots of animal pics.
Partner - 1981-07
Nastassia Kinski has FC + 4 pgs, Julia Edwards has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Diane'. Hilary Summers has 7 pgs, Gidget also has 7 pgs. Anna Ventura & Angel Cash share BC + 8 pgs w/ some lucky guy. Michelle and a she-male Jasmine each have 4 pgs. Titanic Tina has 1 pg. Features on Mardi Gras and female bodybuilders.
Partner - 1983-05
All the features in this issue are reprints from previous issues. The dates given are the issue in which the feature originally appeared. Julia Edwards has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Diane' (7/81). Michelle Bauer & girlfriend share 6 pgs (3/81). Nina (is Jacqueline Brooks?) has 6 pgs (6/81). Gita Daniels has 7 pgs (4/81 less 2nd pg). Rosalie has 7 pgs (12/80 less CF). Trixie has 6 pgs (6/81 less 2 pgs). Carmelita (11/80) and Connie (5/80) each have 6 pgs.
Partner - 1986-06
Product ID: part1986-06Covergirl is Loanne Latham - same pic on BC w/ no text. Senta Folde (aka Ming May Ford) has 7 pgs inc CF - reprint of 3/80. Julia Edwards has 7 pgs as 'Sue', Margot has 5 pgs (is Shawn Carney?) and Mary Hays has 3 pgs - reprint of 3/80. Also a 7 pg feature on Mardi Gras. Some normal wear, a bit of residue from a price sticker in middle of FC and 2.10 price written over it - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Partner - 1987-05
Product ID: part1987-05Covergirl is Davina Laurie and an anonymous secretary has 10 pgs inc CF. Jill Russo has 11 pgs as 'Laura' - pics from same photo shoot as Harvey 2/84. Girlfriends Jill & Viva have 10 pgs - 1 is Julia Edwards - pics from same photo shoot as Club 5/79. Carole has 11 pgs. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Partner - Sex Stars v2
Spring, 1982 issue has sexy Jacqueline Bisset FC. Nastassia Kinski has 4 pgs, Hillary Summers has 7 pgs, Julia Edwards has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Diane', Tiffany Clark has 6 pgs and Lee Carroll has BC + 3 pgs. Also 8 pg feature on Bond Girls plus pin-ups of Joanne Latham and Kandi Barbour on the inside covers. Way too many celebs to list. For complete listings click on photo to see contents page. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched, fabulous condition - FINE+
Penthouse - 1978-12
Product ID: pent1978-12dAmber Ramsey has 13 pgs inc CF. Julia Edwards has 12 pg pictorial as 'Julie Young'. Mag contains 16 pg detachable calendar for 1979 w/ one page of each of 12 CFs from 9/77 - 8/78. Interview w/ Fidel Castro. Articles about the killing of Italian politician Aldo Moro, film maker Earl Owensby, mood drugs and stereo equipment. Bill Lee cartoons - 6 pgs on Xmas. The Ferrari 512 Boxer. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Swank - 1979-09
Rosemary England has FC + 5 pgs as 'Liza' and Julia Edwards has 10 pgs inc CFas 'Lupienne'. Girlfriends Billie & Liz share 7 pgs and an 8 pgs on the Girls of California. A feature on the Porsche 910S. Interview w/ tennis star Renee Richards, an article about corruption on Capitol Hill and "The Mants" - 3 pg color comic strip by Bob Aull. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, appears unread! Fine copy is bright & glossy w/ very light soiling on pink letters of title. VG++ copy is bright & glossy w/ bump on top right corner
Swank - 1980-06
Clair Quentin (aka Cassie Wells) has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Lola Simmons', girlfriends Jennifer & Samantha share 8 pgs in a pool - they are Marilyn Hammond & Julia Edwards and Connie Hays has 7 pgs. Interview w/ Michael O'Donoghue (from Saturday Night Live). Article about female porn director Gail Palmer. "The Mants" - color comic strip by Bob Aull - 3 pgs. FINE copy is bright & glossy, small bump at bottom of spine. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some 'rubbing' along spine.
Swank - Best Of - 1980-01
Product ID: swan-bo1980-01cSwank Annual - v1 #2 - Francie James has 7 pgs inc CF. Nancy Suiter has 5 pgs as 'Taffy' and Julia Edwards (aka Elizabeth Bradley) has 5 pgs as 'Colleen Dayde'. Victoria Hatch (FC & CF 2/79 - is Julia Edwards?), Karen Vernees, Gayle (was in Nugget 10/79 as 'Cindy') and Raphaela each have 5 pgs. Susan Ellison has 6 pgs. An interview w/ boxer Sugar Ray Leonard and feature on street rods. Very bright & glossy, minor stresses on top edge - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Swank - Erotic Series - v01.03
Product ID: swan-erse-v01.03b1980-10 - "Hot Shots". Great issue is nearly all pics! FC ia a collage of 5 girls inc Laurie Smith in center (she also has 6 pgs), R.J. Fair (top left), Clair Quentin (top right) and Kandi Barbour (bottom right). Sylvia Wright (aka Sylvia Wilson) has BC + 10 pgs, girlfriends Jan & Marsha share 10 pgs inc CF. Keli Stewart has 8 pgs as 'Bobbi', Clair Quentin (aka Cassie Wells) also has 8 pgs as 'Dawn' and Julia Edwards (aka elizabeth Bradley) has 6 pgs as 'Eve'. Plus 4 more pictorials featuring Yvonne, Lucy, Libby and Kitty. Very bright & glossy, clean white cover has a tiny smudge along right edge, a couple of very minor stresses - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Swank - Erotic Series - v01.04
Winter, 1981 - "Centerfold Girls". Covergirl Loraine also has 8 pgs. Terri Hannon (aka Terri Dolan) has 6 pgs as 'Lauren', Julia Edwards (aka Elizabeth Bradley) has 6 pgs as 'Helene'. Jennifer has 8 pgs, girlfriends Alice & Annie share 8 pgs. Abby, Bonnie & Erica each have 6 pgs. FINE+ copy is basically new w/ a couple of very minor stresss. VG+ copy is very bright & glossy, upper right corner is slightly soft.
Swank - Erotic Series - v02.02
Product ID: swan-erse-v02.02b1981-05 - "Sensual Women". Another good issue that is all pics except for 5 pgs of ads at end. Features 11 diff girls w/ only single names. Laura has 12 pgs, R.J. Fair and Jackie each have 10 pgs. Charlie (was Charlene Blake in the regular monthly issue of 11/79) and Dusty each have 8 pgs. Red and Sylvia each have 6 pgs. Girlfriends Jennifer & Samantha share 6 pgs in a pool - they are Marilyn Hammond and Julia Edwards and girlfriends Lissette & Barrie also have 6 pgs. Nancy Suiter has a full pg pin-up on inside FC. Very bright & glossy, basically new - FINE+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Swank - Erotic Series - v02.04
1981-06 - "Fantasy". Another good issue that is all pics except for 5 pgs of ads at end. Features single girls, 2 girl sets and couples. Covergirl is Stephanie Laine. Loni Sanders has BC + 7 pgs as 'Chirine', Terri Hannon (aka Terri Dolan) has 7 pgs w/ boyfriend, Girlfriends Jennifer & Samantha share 7 pgs in a pool - they are Marilyn Hammond and Julia Edwards. FINE+ copy is extremely bright & glossy - basically new. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses and a a bit of rubbing and light crease on BC.
Swank - Female Fantasies - v2.1
Product ID: swan-femfan-v2.1b1981-01. Mag is 1/2 stories and letters w/ illustrations and 1/2 pictorial features. Anna Ventura has 7 pgs inc CF w/ a masseur, Gina Kirkendall has BC + 7 pgs, Black model Stephanie has 7 pgs and girlfriends Jennifer & Samantha share 7 pgs in a pool - they are Marilyn Hammond and Julia Edwards. Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
Swank - Hot Shot Series - v01.01
Summer, 1981 - "Hot Shots". Mag is nearly all pics - 10 diff girls who only have single names, but lots of familiar faces. Anna Ventura has most of FC. Sylvia Wright has BC + 12 pgs as 'Tara' plus another 10 pgs as 'Gloria'. Girlfriends Jan & Marsha share 10 pgs inc CF. Laurie Smith has 6 pgs as 'Patti', Julia Edwards (aka Elizabeth Bradley) has 6 pgs as 'Eve' and Claire Quentin (aka Cassie Wells) has 4 pgs as 'Dawn'. Vylene has 10 pgs, Yvonne has 8 pgs and Lucy has 4 pgs. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, basically new!
Swank - Silver Series - v1.1
Product ID: swan-silse-v1.1b1981-11 - "Hot Blondes" - Lots of familiar faces in this one! Debra Lee Johnson has FC + 8 pgs inc CF as 'Janus', Christie has BC + 8 pgs - she is also in Swank Gold Press v3 #7 as 'Nena'. Seka has 8 pgs, Sylvia Benedict and Hillary Summers each have 6 pgs, girlfriends Jennifer & Samantha share 6 pgs in a pool - they are Marilyn Hammond and Julia Edwards. Melissa has 10 pgs, Jenny has 8 pgs, Cassie & Goldie each have 6 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, basically new - FINE+
Number in Stock: 3
Price: $25.00
Swank - Special - v04.01
1/80 - "Sensual Women". Mag is basically all pics of 12 girls with only single names - several familiar faces in this one. Covergirl is Joanne Latham, Julia Edwards (aka Elizabeth Bradley) has BC + 10 pgs as 'Helene'. Kandi Barbour has 8 pgs as 'Darla' and Terri Hannon (aka Dolan) has 10 pgs as 'Lauren'. Loretta & Connie each have 10 pgs, Francie James and Janice each have 8 pgs, Sonja, Mercedes, Samantha and girlfriends Francoise & Mimi each have 6 pgs.
Very bright & glossy, minor stresses on spine and corners - VG++
Very bright & glossy, minor stresses on spine and corners - VG++
Swank - Special - v04.04
Fall, 1980 - "Sensual Women". Mag is basically all pics of 11 girls with only single names - several familiar faces in this one. Loni Sanders has BC + 10 pgs in a Rolls Royce as 'Chirine', Clair Quentin (aka Cassie Wells) has 8 pgs as 'Valerie'. Girlfriends Jennifer & Samantha share inside FC + 8 pgs in a pool - they are Marilyn Hammond and Julia Edwards. Kathy has 10 pgs inc CF, R.J. Fair, Red & Jackie each have 10 pgs, Dawn & Toni each have 8 pgs and Tammy has 6 pgs. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, basically new. FINE copy is bright & glossy, a few minor spiene stresses and some light rubbing along spine. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some spine stresses and a small bump at top of spine.
Swank - Special - v07.01
Product ID: swan-spec-v07.01bWinter, 1983 - "Super Girls". Another issues that's nearly all pics of 9 diff girls with single names. Covergirl is Tipi Rocks. Clair Quentin (aka Cassie Wells) has 8 big pgs as 'Dawn', Laurie Smith has 6 pgs as 'Patti' and Julia Edwards (aka Elizabeth Bradley) has 6 pgs as 'Eve'. Goldie has 8 pgs inc CF, Gayle & Serena (NOT that one) each have 8 pgs, Libby has 6 pgs and girlfriends Alice & Annie share 6 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched, basically new - FINE+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00