Gina Charles-p
Slim blonde British model from the early 80s.
aka Nina Pickersgill from her apps in MAYFAIR v16 #6 and v18 #10 under that name.
aka Nina Pickersgill from her apps in MAYFAIR v16 #6 and v18 #10 under that name.
Best of Genesis - 1983.2
Product ID: gene-bo1983-2bSummer - Girls/Girls - Gina Charles has FC + 6 pgs as 'Jane Wells' (5/82 less 1 pg). Rachel Ashley as 'Angela Curtis Beech' (4/82 less 1 pg) and Jo Peace as 'Cinnamon' (1/82 less 1 pg) each have 10 pgs. Faith Adams as 'Kristin Stevens' (2/82) has 8 pgs. Lindsay Neil as 'Antoinette' (7/82 less 1 pg) and Lynn Taylor as 'Violet Pernice' (6/82 less 1 pg) each have 6 pgs. Maggie Smith (6/82 less 1 pg) and Sylvie (12/82 less 1 pg) each have 10 pgs. Ashley Pace (9/82), Alexandra Trapp (5/82) and Mary Bell (9/82 less 4 pgs) each have 8 pgs. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Cheri - 1982-05
Tina (007 - Octopussy) Hudson has FC + 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Dana'. Gina Charles has 6 pgs as 'Pam', Diane Bentley has 6 pgs at a sex shop w/ Lynne and Tammy Hill has 5 pgs on a boat as 'Patty'. Sondra & Pamela each have 7 pgs, Camilla has 5 pgs and Taffy on a boat has 5 pgs. Ruth & Stephanie split 6 pgs - not together.
Club - 1982-08
Product ID: club1982-08bCovergirl is Gina Charles, girlfriends Kim & Dinah share 9 pgs inc CF. Anthea (on roller skates) and Kristy each have 7 pgs, Barbara and Carol each have 6 pgs and Jean Clarke? has 4 pgs as 'Louise'. Also an article on 'EMP' as a security threat, the Audi Quattro, The Tether Report w/ a full pg illo by Bob Bishop and The Kalmann Diaries. Mag comes with 16 pg catalog insert. FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Gallery - 1981-10
Covergirl Monica also has 8 pgs inc CF. Girl Next Door Patti has 7 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout (she was FC & CF of 8/81). Susie (Suzi Griffiths) has 5 pgs (she was also in 1/81 - mag says 2/81 but is wrong). Gina Charles (aka Nina Pickersgill) has 5 pgs as 'Jeannie' - pics from same photo shoot as Mayfair v16 #6. Interview w/ the people's pharmacist Joe Graedon. William F. Nolan fiction "The Train", Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge and an article about the Mob's Bloody war for Atlantic City.
Genesis - 1982-05
Product ID: gene1982-05cGina Charles has FC + 7 pgs as 'Jane Wells'. Carole Ann Stevenson has 11 pgs inc CF as 'Georgia Berkeley'. Alexandra Trapp has 8 pgs. Photo-Interview w/ actress Adrienne Barbeau. FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Girls/Girls - 1992 # 06
Product ID: gene-glgl1992.06bKatrina Webb has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Adele' (9/91). Faith Adams has 8 pgs as 'Kristin Stevens' (2/82), Marina Larsen as 'Mary Lou' (11/86 less last 2 pgs) and Gina Charles as 'Jane Wells' (5/82 less 1 pg) each have 6 pgs. Alexandra Trapp (5/82), Sonja (5/91) and Margie Smith (is Joanna Storm?) (6/82 less 3 pgs) each have 8 pgs. Mara (10/84 less 2 pgs) and Mary Bell (9/82 less 5 pgs) each have 7 pgs. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Mayfair - V18.10
Nike (Nikki) Clark is Covergirl, Kim Mills has 6 pgs. Lee Ann has 9 pgs inc CF. Nina Pickersgill (aka Gina Charles) & Betty Spencer have 6 pgs each, Georgie King & Jenny Strachan have 4 pgs each. A feature on customized American big rigs. Alain Aslan has a full pg painting. Also 'Carrie' a 2 pg color comic strip.