Sylvia McFarland-p
Exceptionally busty Black model from the mid 70s.
38-26-34 - v13.4
Product ID: modvd-38-26-13.4(1976) - Juanita has FC + 4 pgs. Yum Yum has BC + 6 pgs inc CF as 'Carolyn', Sylvia McFarland has 4 pgs as 'Honey', Marilyn Davis has 4 pgs as 'Diane', Candy Samples has 2 pgs as 'Nadine', Janey Reynolds and Karla Klein each have a full pg pic. Plus Terry, Black model Geraldine, and Gaye each have 4 pgs.
This issue was reprinted as Kingsize International (UK Edition) v1 #9.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
This issue was reprinted as Kingsize International (UK Edition) v1 #9.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
40RTY PLUS - v11.6
Product ID: pn-40RTY PLUS - v11.6c(Spring, 1981) - Sylvia McFarland has very nice 8 pg feature as 'Helen'. Covergirl Paula has 9 pgs, Theresa Martin has 7 pgs. Tiny corner bump, bright & glossy - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
Block Busters - v04.3
Product ID: modvd-blb-v4.3(1975) - Another great issue starts w/ busty blond covergirl Ellen Silverman (she is also in v1 #3). Roberta Pedon has 5 pgs as 'Monica', Joyce Gibson has 4 pgs as 'Tanya', Sylvia McFarland has 4 ps as 'Louise', Christine de Schaeffer has 4 pgs as 'Bonnie', Julia Winger (aka Cherie Pinegar) has 4 pgs as 'Dottie, Hannah Griffin has 2 pgs as 'Linda', Covergirl from v3 #2 has 4 pgs as 'Bettina', Toby Wenig on BC plus several more familiar faces!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 995
Price: $9.95
Hustler Best of # 001
1975 - Big 132 page squarebound issue full of highlights from Hustler's first year. Sylvia McFarland has 6 excellent pages as 'Jara' (same as 4/75), John Holmes & Honey (is Gretchen Gail? have 5 pgs (6/75 less last pg). Plus 12 pgs of the famous Jackie Onassis nudes - 32 pics! Porn star Olinka has 5 pgs (1/75 - 5 pgs only), Chloe has 5 pgs (6/75), Diana has 5 pgs (10/74 - 1st 5 pgs) and a couple on a pool table have 5 pgs (5/75). Victoria has 6 pgs (3/75), Marida Lindbloom has 4 pgs (7/74 - 4 pg only) and a pair of girlfriends share 4 pgs - 1 is Karen Dermer (8/74). An Interivew w/ porn star Jody Maxwell (5/75), 'The Bernie Cornfeld Story' w/ pics (7/75) and a 3 pg feature on tattos (12/74). Plus a 4 pg Honey Hooker comic strip by Jim McQuade.
Sheena - V1 #1
Product ID: modvd-sheena-1.1No Date - ca. 1978 - by Golden State News (GSN). Incredible book is only 32 pgs but is all Sylvia McFarland in blazing 'Electra Color'. Mostly full page photos, this one will knock your socks off!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 990
Price: $9.95
Two Girls From Paris
Product ID: modvd-tgfpSept-Oct issue 1974 by Gallery Press is a big 64 pg issue featuring Sylvia McFarland and another unknown model named Mala. Sylvia has 1/2 FC + 31 pgs inc CF and BC too! Lots of great full pg pics. Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 994
Price: $9.95