Coral Burton-p
Popular Canadian model from the mid 80s to early 90s. Busty w/ medium length curly brown hair. Another model who is very hard to keep track of since she appeared under so many different names. Was Shirley Ellison in FLING 7/86 & 11/89, but in the issue of 1/90 used the name Karen Barnes. Also appeared in CHERI 11/87 & 10/88 as Laura Lee. Was 'Debbie' in OUI 4/88 and 'Wendy' in the British mag PARADE #65 (w/ CF) but in #106 was Kim Titmarsh and in #108 Kim Titfield! Also appeared in several issues of GENT as Karen Britton.
Please see listings under Shirley Ellison.
Please see listings under Shirley Ellison.
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