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These calendars are 12" x 12" and stapled at the top. they contain 12 2-sided pages plus covers - a total of 28 pages, and there is a full page photo and full page datepad for each month.

All of these are in outstanding condition - basically new and unused.

    1999 16 Month Swimsuit Calendar

    1999 16 Month Swimsuit Calendar

    Product ID: cal-1999si16mon
    Covergirl is Heidi Klum, BC shows all 12 interior pages.  Featured models areTyra Banks (2 pgs), Laetitia Casta (3 pgs), Louise Forsling, Heidi Klum (2 pgs), Chandra Morth, Rebecca Romjin and Niki Taylor (2 pgs).

    Number in Stock: 1
    Price: $15.00
    • Quantity:

    2003 Knockouts Calendar

    2003 Knockouts Calendar

    Product ID: cal-2003siknock
    Five Decades of Swimsuit Photogrpahy. Covergirl is Heidi Klum (same photo as used on the dustjacket for the hardcover book of the same name), BC shows all 12 interior pages. Featured models are Sunny Bippus, Yvette & Yvonne Sylvander, Cheryl Tiegs, Christie Brinkley, Kathy Ireland, Elle Macpherson, Stephanie Seymour, Ashley Richardson, Amber Smith, Heidi Klum, Daniela Pestova and Rebecca Romjin - all have 1 page each.


    Number in Stock: 1
    Price: $15.00
    • Quantity:

    2003 Swimsuit Calendar

    2003 Swimsuit Calendar

    Product ID: cal-2003siswim
    Covergirl is Yamila Diaz-Rahi, BC shows all 12 interior pages. Featured models are Heidi Klum (2 pgs) plus Josie Maran, Veronica Varekova, Molly Sims, Yamila Diaz-Rahi, Audrey Quock, Petra Nemcova, Bridget Hall, Isabell Fontana, Marisa Miller and Chandra North  - all have 1 page each. In addition to each full page photo each model has one or two smaller inset photo(s) on the datepad page.


    Number in Stock: 1
    Price: $15.00
    • Quantity:

    2004 16 Month Swimsuit Calendar

    2004 16 Month Swimsuit Calendar

    Product ID: cal-2004si16monthce
    40th Anniversary Collector's Edition. Completely different format from all the other calendars. FC features 12 photos of many of the most popular swimsuit models from over the years. Each of the 12 months has a 2 page datepad that contains a small photo for nearly every day of the month - some photos cover 2 days, and a few days each month have no photo but interesting facts about the SI Swimsuit Issues. Nearly 300 photos in all.

    Number in Stock: 1
    Price: $15.00
    • Quantity:

    2005 Swimsuit Calendar

    2005 Swimsuit Calendar

    Product ID: cal-2005siswim
    Marisa Miller has FC + 1 pg, BC shows all 12 interior pages. This calendar features an even dozen models who each have 1 page - Daniela Pestova, Jessica Van Der Steen, Anna Kournikova, Jessica White, Veronica Varekova, Yamila Diaz-Rahi, Molly Sims, May Andersen, Noemie Lenoir, Michelle Lombardo and Bridget Hall. In addition to each full page photo each model has one or two smaller inset photo(s) on the datepad page.


    Number in Stock: 1
    Price: $15.00
    • Quantity: