Tempest Storm-p
Busty red-headed stripper from the 50s and 60s is another of the true legends of burlesque.
Art Photography - 1954-06
Product ID: artphot1954-06fFC of girl in bathing suit on beach by Andre de Dienes. Tempest Storm has a nice 6 pg feature by Russ Meyer. Also 12 pgs of figure studies and a CF by Zoltan Glass. Mag has light H2O marks on top edge, Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Bare - 1957-04
Product ID: bare1957-05ev7 #7 by B & S Pub Co. - honest. Dorie Stevens FC, BC + 5 pgs inc CF. Tempest Storm has nice 6 pg pictorial, Ann Fleming has 4 pgs. Also Mafia hits in Sicily, thieving doctors, Whirling Dervishes, and loads more. Some light spine wear, but solid VG.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Bettie Pages # 2
1988 - 1st printing (has 4.00 cover price), FC cartoon of Bettie riding a rocket by Bill Wray. Great issue has features on George Petty, Irving Klaw and Wally Wood including an 8 pg comic strip 'Kenton of the Star Patrol'. There is also an updated checklist of Harrison pubs, a 2 pg list of magazines which featured Bettie on the cover and 4 pgs on 'Teaserama' with Tempest Storm. 68 pgs. NEW! unread - FINE++
Also have reprint issue with 5.00 cover price in white box that says 2md Printing. Also NEW!, unread, FINE++
Also have reprint issue with 5.00 cover price in white box that says 2md Printing. Also NEW!, unread, FINE++
Big Bust Loops - v.24
Product ID: vid-bustloops241996 - 90 mins. Vintage loops, Softcore, all B&W. With June Palmer, Arlene Hunter, Monique Devereuax, Jutka Goz, Ann Day, Tempest Storm and many more!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Cabaret - 1955-10
Covergirl Tempest Storm also has 2 pgs, Dixie Evans has 6 pgs. Evelyn West has a full pg pin-up on the inside FC and Diane Lynch has a full pg pin-up on the inside BC. Singer Dorothy Shay has 4 pgs and nightclub comic Billy Gray has 5 pgs. Long features on Bimbo's 365 Club in San Francisco, Boeuf Sur Le Toit in Brussels, French Riviera nightclubs, 52nd St. in New York and a guide to night life in Havana. VG+ copy has some minor stresses, a bit of light rubbing along spine. Have 3 copies in VG, all have some normal wear - one has large crease on BC and rusty staples, the second has a 3/4" tear on top edge of cover and the third has some spots on FC - same price, your choice.
Cabaret - 1956-07
Tempest Storm has great FC + 4 pgs, Josephine Baker has 5 pgs and singer Hildegarde has 4 pgs. Features on the Silver Frolics Club in Chicago w/ pics of Tinke de Carlo and the Tropicana in Havana. Articles about gangsters & nightclubs and rum. Bill Ward has a full pg cartoon as 'McCartney' and a guide to night life in Atlantic City. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG+
Cabaret - 1957-07
A feature on Calypso dancers w/ a FC pic of Princess Abilia & King Christian. Tura Satana has a color CF, Tempest Storm has 5 pgs, Lynn Hannah has 4 pgs and Dorothy Haller has 5 pgs. Plus Magda Paresier - former star of the Foies Bergere - has 4 pgs, Chickie James and Jody Lawrence each have 2 pgs. A big 10 pg section of pin-ups inc full pg color pics of Arlene Stevens and Shelly Vance. Plus features on Count Basie and river showboats. FINE- copy is very bright & glossy, lightly read w/ TINY bump on bottom right corner. Have a second copy, very bright & glossy, lightly read but is missing 1 pg - the Shelly Vance color pin-up. It also has some small bug chews on bottom left corner of BC and 2nd half of mag but CF is not damaged.
Eyeful - 1954-12
Product ID: eyef1954-12fv11 #3 - Bettie Page has 2 pg B&W CF + separate 2 pg feature in prison w/ ball & chain. Tempest Storm also has 2 pgs and Black exotic R'Wanda has 2 pgs. Plus dozens of other showgirls and strippers. Spine mostly split (cleanly), light foxing, o/w pretty decent - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
Frolic - 1952-10
Product ID: frol1952-10dTempest Storm has great FC + 2 pgs. Joy Niven, Eleonore Reid, Roma Paige, Louise Franco, Marion Jo Earl, Toni Carroll and Mickie (aka Niki in 8/53) Green each have 2 pgs. Betty Howard, Divena, and Lilly Lamont each have 1 pg. Plus Joanne Arnold, June McCall, Cleo Moore and many other favorites. Bright & glossy. clean & tight, a few minor spine stresses - very sharp VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $50.00
Frolic - 1953-06
Covergirl Sheree Bessire also has 2 pgs. Jean Wested, Marion Moore (CF of Escapade 12/57), Jean Smyle, Diane Shelby, Dolly Summers and Doris Keith each have 2 pgs. Tempest Storm, Joanne Arnold, Baby Lake, Pat Sheehan and Doris Hauck (aka Houck) each have a page. Plus Lilly Christine, Evelyn West, Marilyn Waltz and many more! Bright & glossy, clean white cover, a few minor stresses - nice VG+. Have 2 copies - 1 has a light clean crease on bottom right corner, the other has a bit of light discoloration on bottom edge near spine - same price, your choice.
Frolic - 1960-10
Covergirl Timmie Turner also has 2 pgs - photo on cover looks a lot like Sandy Lane but photos inside do not. Kipp Kramer has 4 pgs inc a nice color CF. Tempest Storm, Mara Gaye and Suzanne Robbins each have 3 pgs. Darby Flynn, Karen Kerr, Fran Davis, Susan Framme, Mary Caryl, Stunning Smith, Marion Abbott, Dianna Miller and Leah Arnett each have 2 pgs. Rita Grable, Ginger Gibson, Barbara James, Marie Mohr, Grace Carrol, Mary Elona, Lucy Layne, Gay Blade and Linda Darlig each have 1 pg. Plus a 5 pg feature on showgirls and lots of other models too! VG+ copy is bright & glossy, has a few light creases in upper right corner and the number '20' written on cover near top edge. VG copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses and writing along top edge of FC.
Gala - 1952-03
Product ID: gala1952-03dGreat issue loaded w/ big names. Covergirl June McCall also has 1 pg and Lili St. Cyr has 4 pgs inc CF. Gay Dawn has 3 pgs, Tempest Storm, Lilly Christine, Joannne Arnold, Evelyn West, Betty Blue and Barbara Nichols each have 2 pgs. Moana Holt, Carol Shannon, Karen Preiss, Gloria Rhoads, Nancy Hawkins and Val de Val each have 2 pgs. Pat Holliday, Paula Doretti, June Allen and Irish McCalla each have 1 page. Plus many other popular models. Bright & shiny, some minor spine wear - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Gala - 1952-09
Product ID: gala1952-09eCovergirl Mona Knox also has 2 large pics. Tempest Storm, Valerie Wallace, Penny Duncan, Sheena, Lynn Storm, Sandra Stone, Peg Hill, Delores Medlin, Madeleine Hoff, Carolyn Collins, Gypsy Romaine, Lois Meridan and Miss X each have 2 pgs. Gloria Rhodes, Eve Elliott, Carolyn Fronty, Renie Bartoly, Vicky Leigh, Alicia Sorel, Lisa Lorring, Sunny Cappie, Alayne Swift and Jean Russell each have 1 pg. Lots of other models inc Barbara Nichols and Busty Brown. This one has been read a bit, some normal wear but no serious defects - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Glamor Parade - 1956-08
Product ID: glampard1956-08dv1 #1 - Bimonthly by Actual Pub. Co, Inc. Jean O'Connor has FC + 1 pg, Jane Easton has very nice color CF. Plus 2 pgs each of Tania Velia, Virginia de Lee & Jessica Rogers. Tempest Storm also has 2 pgs inc a full pg color pin-up. Bettie Page has 2 pics and dozens of other popular models. Light rubbing along spine, slight soft corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $30.00
Glamor Parade - 1957-10
Product ID: glampard1957-10bv2 #2 - Sandra Giles has outstanding close-up FC + 1 pg, Betty O' Ray has 4 pgs inc a color CF. Tempest Storm has 3 pgs, Simone Auger, Texas Sheridan and Taffy O'Neil each have 2 pgs. Plus Marcia Eddington (aka Edgington), Betty Brosmer, Jessica Rogers and many more. Outstanding copy looks New! No signs of wear, no thumb marks - Fine+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $45.00
Glamour International - Bizarre Life #3
Product ID: glamint-bl.31/91 -Special Bondage Issue. This 100 pg issue features covers & 27 pgs of artwork by Georges Pichard as follows: 'Paulette' - 6 pgs, 'Marie-Gabrielle De Saint Eutrope' - 3 pgs, 'Ulysse' - 2 pgs, 'Trois Filles De Leur Mere' - 5 pgs, 'Memories D'une Chanteuse Allemande' - 6 pgs, 'La Comtesse Rouge' - 2 pgs and 'Les Sorcieres De Thessalie' - 3 pgs. Also included are 11 pgs of 'Gwendoline' by Eric Stanton, 'Miniskirt Maxidecency' a 7 pg strip by Riccardo Messina and a 21 pg section of work by Roberto Baldazzini as follows: Solo work - 8 pgs, 3 pgs each w/ Daniele Brolli & Armando Calvelli and 7 pgs with Lorena Canossa. Photographs include 11 pgs by Helmut Newton, 5 pgs of photos by Irving Klaw and 13 pgs featuring Bettie Page, Tempest Storm, Blaze Starr & Lilly Christine.
Number in Stock: 3
Price: $35.00
Modern Man - 1953-02
Tempest Storm 6 exceptional pages. FC by Bernard of Hollywood. Andre de Dienes 2 pages. Good articles on the Gatling gun, transcontinental railroad, Fireboats and Souping up the family car.
Picture Digest - 1957-10
Corinne Laine FC + 4 pgs. Bettie Page has full pg pic on inside FC, feature on a bikini contest in LA w/ 2 pgs on winner, Lynn Pampert. Also Lili St. Cyr has 4 pgs, Tempest Storm has 3 pgs, Zahra Norbo has 4 pgs. Full pg pics of Jayne Mansfield, Alice Denham, & Laurette Luez plus 3 pgs of Greta Garbo in Monte Carlo. Loads of other girls, a feature on Thai kick-boxing and panning for gold in Georgia. Fair copy has heavy water damage to FC o/w not too bad.
Pix Annual - 1957 Fall
Product ID: pixann1957.3fMag is printed on newsprint type paper, squarebound w/ glued spine. Review of the Burlesque movie 'Beautease' w/ Blaze Starr, Tempest Storm and others. Lila Leeds has 4 pgs, French singer Danielle Lamar has 4, Barbara Yung & Maria Luisa Poluzzi each have 2 pgs, Jennie Lee and Texas Sheridan each have 1 pg. Articles about the living ghost - William Navison, ancient Corinth- the greatest sin city of all time, bounty hunting Cotopaxi Indians in Brazil, Japanese war criminal Dr. Kemaburi. Well read, multiple creases, small edge tears on BC but solid - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Pose - 1959-02
v3 #8 - has great FC of Eve Eden (aka Rosa Dolmai) in a red & white striped bikini. Whole mag is loaded w/ pics of all the big names - over 120 photos. Blaze Starr has 3 pgs, Tempest Storm & Lilly Christine, Vicki Palmer, Nejla Ates, Tana Louise, Marlyn Maher, Lisa Varga, Jacque Pruner & Marla English each have 2 pgs. Plus single pgs of Jayne Mansfield, Lili St. Cyr, Sabrina, Brigitte Bardot, Vicki Dougan, Irma the Body, Taffy O'Neill, Winnie Garrett, Lee Sharon and Julie Newmar. Plus dozens of other models. Bright & glossy, minor spine stresses, small bump on bottom right corner - VG+
Sir - 1955-12
Product ID: sir1955-12fFC has 4 different pics - 1 is Tempest Storm in pasties and panties. Exotic Dancer Liz O'Leyar has 4 pgs. An Article about Burlesque w/ pics of Lili St. Cyr and Ann Corio. Also articles about Prostitution in Las Vegas, Quack Psychiatrists, How Vice Wrecked Indo-China, Boxer Rocky Graziano, the 3 Times Ike Cheated Death and Nick Janson - the new Houdini. FC is nice but BC has chipping on edges and along spine - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Spice - v1 #1
Product ID: vpn-spice-v1.1c(1959 - Spice Pubs.) Only 44 pgs but nearly all pics. Valerie Knight has FC + 3 pgs, Tempest Storm has 5 pgs inc 2 full pg pics, Patti Waggin & Virginia Gordon have 4 pgs each. Donna Dailey has 3 pgs, Jean Spangler on inside FC + 2 pgs, Jean Nieto has 2 pgs, Brigitte Baum, Lilly Ayers and Pat Conley each have 1 pg. Lots more! Light wear, bright & glossy - Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Striporama - v.3
Product ID: vid-striporama3No date - film is mainly from the 50s.
Scintillating performances by Tempest Storm, Betty Page, Sheree North, Windy Gale and the one and only Jennie Lee and more!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00