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Julie Robins-p

Slim busty brunette model from the mid to late 70s. Appeared in Challenge Pubs and PN slicks almost always with just a single name. Julie Robins is from 40RTY Plus v3 #4 and is the only name I have found that makes any sense, unless you want to count her Covergirl app in MAN TO MAN 5/74 as 'Dee Dee Notel'.

    Bosomy Beauties - v5 #1

    Bosomy Beauties - v5 #1

    Product ID: pn-bosomybeauties-v5.1b
    (Winter 1973-74 - Eros Pub. Co.) - An Eros Goldstripe Special w/ several girls you've seen before. Black model Danya Bybridge has FC + 7 pgs, Julie Robins has 5 pgs as 'Vicki Thomas', a very familiar 'Linda' has 11 pgs. Barely touched, Beautiful - FINE+

    Number in Stock: 1
    Price: $30.00
    • Quantity:

    Man's Delight - 1975-12

    Man's Delight - 1975-12

    Anita has FC + 6 pgs inc CF, Diane & Nickie each have 6 pgs. Julie Robbins has 4 pgs as 'Melody', Lori & Karla each have 4 pgs, plus Swinger ads and more.

    • Quantity: