Claire Green-p
Covergirl and/or Centerfold of multiple issues of MAYFAIR in the early 90s. Also known as Misty McKaine - please see listings under that name.
Chic - 1993-05
Product ID: chic1993-05dGirlfriends Sasha & Buzz share FC + 6 pgs and Justine has 7 pgs inc CF. Claire Green has 6 pgs as 'Pinkie', Deborah Wells has 6 pgs as ' Ofelia' - this is a reprint of Hustler 2/92 w/ diff name & text. Trina has 5 pgs. Marcy & boyfriend Todd have 5 pgs. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and light rubbing on covers - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Girls of Hustler #6
Product ID: hust-go.06c1994 - Covergirls Lita (Andi Sue Irwin) & Mariana have 8 pgs (4/93), Ash Leigh & Alexandra have 8 pgs inc CF (12/93), Miranda has 6 pgs (9/93 - 6 pgs only) and Bailey has 5 pgs (10/93 - 5 pgs only). All of the following are 8 pg pictorials - Micki & Krissi (2/93), Alexandria & Claire Green as 'Romi (5/93), Serenity & Bodacious Babette as 'Willa & Sue' (3/93), Brenda & Fawn (7/93), Sunset Thomas & Leena (11/93), Holly Houston & Tina Tyler (Hol 93). Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Hustler - 1993-05
Covergirl Sandrine also has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Rebecca Wilde as 'Claudia' has 8 pgs w/ boyfriend Harry. Laraine has 8 pgs, J.B. has 6 pgs, girlfriends Alexandria & Romi share 8 pgs (Romi is Claire Green). Articles about the Lifestyles convention, groupies of LA and methadone treatment. S. Clay Wilson has a 2 pg Illo.