Jennie Shimberg-p
Busty brunette model from the early 80s. Another girl who had a different name every time you saw her and sometimes none at all. Was Covergirl w/ pictorial in Genesis 5/80 as Ernestine and CF of 7/80 as Barbara.
Best of Genesis - 1982.1
SPRING - Girls/Girls - Angela James has FC + 8 pgs as 'Monique Eagle' (3/80). Joanne Latham has 4 pgs as 'Ruby Louise' (2/79). Julia Edwards has 10 pgs as 'Catherine' (6/79). Paula Hamilton has 9 pgs as 'Ingrid Nilsson' (5/79 less 1 pg). Shawn Carney as 'Cassie Bern' (9/78), Jennie Shimbeg as 'Barbara' (7/80 - 5 pgs same, 3 diff), Sharon Sorentino as 'Mary' (6/80 less last 2 pgs), Pamela Zinszer as 'Juliet Du Pre' (5/79), Maggie Baron (1/79 less last 2 pgs) and Angela Murphy (9/79) each have 8 pgs and Sandra O'Quinn has 10 pgs (3/80). FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, lightly read.
Cheri - 1980-05
Covergirl Nina Jensen also has BC + 9 pgs inc a 3 pg CF as 'Marsha-Ann '. Carrie Walters has 6 pgs as 'Sextant', Jo Peace has 5 pgs as 'Sylvia' and Sylvia Wright & Jennie Shimberg have 6 pgs in a hot tub. Mistress Candice and her slave David have 8 pgs and Miss Nude Ontario, Sandy, has 6 pgs. Cherlyn, Laurie & Leslie each have 7 pgs. Cherry Bomb interviews rock band 'The Hotts'.
Genesis - 1980-05
Covergirl is Barbara (she is CF in 7/80). Louise McLauhlin has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Susie Patterson'. Jennie Shimberg has 10 pgs as 'Ernestine', Cynthia Allen has 8 pgs. Interview w/ actress Cheryl Ladd. Articles about the New Mafia, minor league baseball and the doping of the Olympics.
Genesis - 1980-07
Courtney Sands has FC + 2 pgs (she also has 11 pgs inc CF in 8/80). Jennie Shimberg has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Barbara' (she was FC of 5/80). Debbie Martin has 10 pgs, Cathy Ebelt has 7 pgs as 'Riva Sutton', Kelly Syms has 8 pgs and Barbi (aka Janet Barber) has 8 pgs as 'Tricia Adams'. Interview w/ author Gay Talese. Articles about the new Alaskan gold rush, prison fighter James Scott and the World Series of baseball.
Girls/Girls - 1984-12
Product ID: gene-gg1984-12bJoanne Latham as 'Ruby Louise Long' (2/79), Barbara Peckinpaugh as 'Esme Wynn' (7/81), Jennie Shimberg as 'Barbara' (7/80 - 5 pgs same, 3 diff), Pamela Zinszer as 'Juliet Du Pre' (5/79) and Sharon Sorrentino as 'Mary' (6/80 less last 2 pgs) each have 8 pgs. Lisa McDaniel has 10 pgs (1/80), Maggie Baron has 8 pgs (1/79 less last 2 pgs), Britta Abele has 6 pgs (3/81 less 1 pg), Jennifer Jason has 6 pgs (8/81 less 1 pg). FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00