Betty Brosmer-p
Strikingly built blonde swimsuit model from the 50s who appeared in hundreds of mags throughout the decade. A frequent Covergirl - ART PHOTOGRAPHY 6/57, GALA 1/55 in an awesome zebra striped bikini, MODERN MAN 12/54 & 10/56 (also w/ CF), NUGGET 11/55 (1st issue) and ROGUE 2/59 are a few. Although she often appeared in lingerie I have never seen a topless photo.
aka Betty Weider (was married to famous body builder Joe Weider).
aka Betty Weider (was married to famous body builder Joe Weider).
ace - 1958-12
Product ID: ace1958-12dDonalda Jordan has FC + 4 pgs and Peggy Gordon has BC + 4 pgs. Pat Gregory, Nancy Lewis and Nan Peterson each have 2 pgs, Betty Brasmer (Brosmer) on inside BC and Jan Texter on inside FC. A feature on Paris nightclub 'Le Sexy' and articles about H.L. Mencken, Shyster lawyers and skeletons in the White House closets. Bright & glossy, some minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Art Photography - 1957-06
Product ID: artphot1957-05dBetty Brosmer has outstanding close-up FC + CF by Keith Bernard. Lee Collins (America's highest paid nude model, was CF of Modern Man 2/57) has 6 pgs. A 4 pg feature on painter Peter Paul Rubens. Light wear, glossy VG+
This mag was also published under the title 'Studio' but is not a reprint since both are dated 6/57. They are identical except for title on FC & contents page.
This mag was also published under the title 'Studio' but is not a reprint since both are dated 6/57. They are identical except for title on FC & contents page.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00
Bold - 1956-09
Product ID: ps-bold1956-09v5 #3 has Kay Douglas FC in bikini + 6 pgs. Betty Brosmer has nice CF, Patti Waggon has a 2 pg pic and Linda Lombard has multiple pics as magician's assistant (the 'Bullet Catch' trick). Features on Kosta - the strongest man in Greece, snakes and the world's deepest ocean dive in a bathyscaphe. Bright & shiny, Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Cover Girls Models - 1953-01
v2 #7 - Gorgeous Mara Corday FC + 8 pgs by Bernard of Hollywood. Lynn Roebuck, Pat Thompson and Juana each have 4 pgs. Gloria Pall, Betty Brosmer, Pat Ward & Madeline Castle each have 2 pgs. Lili St. Cyr has BC - ad for 8x10 photos. Extremely bright & glossy, almost new, Beautiful Fine condition. You don't see many mags from this time frame in condition this nice!
Eye - 1955-08
Product ID: eye1955-08eAnother issue loaded w/ top models. Vicki Dougan on inside FC + 9 pgs, Mara Corday also has 9 pgs, Bunny Yeager has a 10 pg feature, Mara Lynn has 5 pgs, plus several other girls and a huge 21 pg feature on the World's Greatest Blondes w/ 4 pgs of Marilyn Monroe, 2 pgs each of Anita Ekberg and Betty Brosmer and dozens of other famous actresses & models. Avg wear, nice VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Follies - 1955-11
Product ID: foll1955-11e(v1.1 - 2nd series). Outstanding first issue of this classic title. Barbara Nichols has sexy FC + 2 pgs, Betty Brosmer has 4 pgs inc an outstanding color CF in a zebra striped bikini. Valerie French and Cynthia Books each have 3 pgs and Julie Newmar has 3 pgs as 'Julie Newman'. Anita Ekberg, Rusty Fisher, Simone Silva, Betty MacGowan, Marcia Edgington and Marilyn Hanold each have 2 pgs. Bettie Page has 1 full pg pic. Laurin Lavelle, Carmen Austin, Dottie Sykes, Shelley Smith, Jo Mercer, Yvonne Yvette and Donna Long each have 2 pgs plus lots of other girls! A bit of normal wear, some minor color flaking and a bump on the top right corner but still nice VG. Scarce issue.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Frolic - 1953-08
Product ID: frol1953-08cAnother issue full of favorites. Covergirl Mary Collins also has 1 pg, Lois Bishop is the CF. Arlene Hunter, Janet 'Joy' Reynolds, Kalantan, Joy Niven, Sunny Rios, Faith Arlen and Audie Murphy each have 2 pgs and Mara Gaye has 3 pgs. Lana Bashama. Betty Brosmer, Princess Tulane (aka Tuana Tua), Niki Green (was Mickie in 10/52), Marie Shaw and June McCall each have 1 pg. Plus Bettie Page, Gloria Pall and dozens more! Very bright & glossy, a bit of light rubbing on top edge - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00
Frolic - 1955-12
Product ID: frol1955-12fMarguerite Empey (aka Diane Weber) has great FC + a 2/3 pg pic, the CF is billed as Lorca. Lee Sharon, Betty Brosmer, Elaine Kelly, Jean Williams and Judy O'Day each have 2 pgs, Linda Lombard, Val Njord, Sarita Monteil, Kathy Marlowe and Busty Brown each have 1 pg. Plus a 4 pg feature on Strippers w/ pics of Lili St. Cyr, Misty Ayres,Tempest Storm, Sherry Knight and 8 others. And dozens of other popular models. Well read, light corner creases, spine wear, small tears at staples, some crayon marks on a few interior pgs, CF is detached but FC still nice - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Frolic - 1957-10
Covergirl is Marilyn Robbins, Betty Brosmer has an outstanding CF. Laura Raymond and Diana Darrin each have 2 pgs inc a full pg color pin-up. Ann Neyland, Tequila, Delores Hodges, Debra Dean, Betty Rose, Lisa Douglas, Joan Backus, Connie Warner, Mabel Rea and Bebe Berto each have 2 pgs. Candy Barr, Bettye Cushman, Tonya Shreeve, Vicki Palmer and Jo Holcomb each have 1 pg. A nice 5 pg feature on 'World's Glamor Queens' has over a dozen models inc pics of Yvonne Fredericks, La Savona, Nejla Ates and Brigitte Bardot. Another 4 pg feature of girls in negligees features another dozen models. Plus many other top models. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor spine stresses and a light clean crease on bottom right corner. Mag has an unusual 'checkerboard' pattern of indentations about 1/2" wide along the right side of each page - looks like something caused by machinery during the printing or binding process. VG copy is bright & glossy, some light rubbing along spine, a light horizontal stress line thru center of cover and some writing in upper left corner of cover. Mag has an unusual 'checkerboard' pattern of indentations about 1/2" wide along the right side of each page - looks like something caused by machinery during the printing or binding process.
Frolic - 1958-02
Product ID: frol1958-02cBlaze Starr has great FC + 2 pgs, Kay Douglas is the CF. Betty Brosmer and Honey Merrill each have 2 pgs inc a full pg color pin-up. Jackie Miller has 3 pgs, Margie Moran, Beverly Carroll, Dana Castle, Cecelia Peters, Janette Russell, Dawn Christy, Jonni Lynne, Jeanne Robbins and Sonya Hoff each have 2 pgs. Judy Bamber and Betty Baker have full pg pics, Beth Miller. Susie Peterson, Lori Hilton and Lynne Turner each have 1 pg and Bettie Page has a 3/4 pg pic. Bright & glossy, lightly read, light wrinkle on FC - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
Gala - 1953-01
Product ID: gala1953-01fBarbara Nichols has nice FC + 1 pg. Betty Brosmer, Linda Lombard, Honey Merrill, Greta Thyssen, Cherie Hansen, Neil Adams, Danielle Lamarr, Lois Bishop, Roma Paige, Dorothy Rice and Penny Duncan each have 2 pgs. Marilyn Waltz has a full page pic. Bright red cover, a bit of spine wear, some rubbing along spine, BC has a 1" tear near top staple and a few small creases - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Jem - 1956-11
v1 #1 - Fabulous First Issue features Candy Barr on FC, Betty Brosmer on inside FC + gorgeous 2 pg color foldout. Jayne Mansfield, Kim Novak and Eve Meyer each have 4 pgs inc one beautiful full page color pin-up. Anita Ekberg has 2 full pg color pin-ups, Lili St Cyr and Alice Denham also have full pg color pin-ups. Monique van Vooren has 3 pgs and Joyce Winfield has 2 pgs. FINE+ copy is bright & glossy, very lightly read, almost new. VG copy has been read and handled. Some normal wear but no serious defects. Have 2 copies in Fair condition. One has 3 sets of staple holes - one on each side, a thin spot in middle of right edge of cover, a large bump at bottom of spine. It's kind of rough and is missing 2 pgs - the Betty Brosmer 2 pg color pic and Jayne Mansfield color pin-up on other side. The other copy is actually a little better but has some fairly heavy H2O damage/staining along bottom edge. Worse in front of book, less in back.
Jem - 1957-01
v1 #2 - Diane Webber has beautiful 2 pg color foldout and another full pg color pin-up. Jem of the Month, Betty Brosmer has 3 pgs, Zsa Zsa Gabor has a nice 4 pg feature. Corinne Calvet & Alice Denham each have full pg color in-ups, Iris Bristol has a full pg B&W pin-up. Alisa Davis has 3 pgs - she is also in 5/57, Alice Pearson has 3 pgs and Philadelphia singer Janice Shea has 2 pgs. Bill Ward has 2 1/4 pg B&W cartoons as McCartney. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and a bit of light rubbing on bottom right corner w/ a small 1/2" clean crease on bottom corner. VG copy is bright & glossy w/ a light vertical stress line about 1/4" in from spine and a couple of small nicks along right edge of FC - as good as 1st copy but during the binding process 1 pg was misaligned and although present is only bound in on bottom 2".
Jem - 1957-05
v1 #4 - Great Issue! Greta Thyssen has FC, BC + 6 pgs inc a 2 pg color foldout, Jayne Mansfield has other side of foldout + 4 more pgs inc a full pg color pin-up. Jem of the Month, Betty Brosmer also has a 2 pg color foldout + a full pg color pin-up. Other side of foldout is Joyce Reynolds. Diane Webber (as Marguerite Empey) has 2 pgs and Candy Barr & Nona Van Tosh each have full pg color pin-ups. Plus Debra Goodrich has 4 pgs (she is also in 11/57) and Alisa Davis has 2 pgs (she is also in 1/57). VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a few spine stresses and a small chip on right edge of FC. VG copy has some normal wear but no serious defects. Good copy has been well read and handled - stresses, corner bumps but nothing too bad.
Men's Digest
Product ID: medi-v1.4ev1 #4 (1957) - Digest-size issue has Excellent Betty Brosmer FC in red swimsuit. Jayne Mansfield has 6 pg feature w/ pics, nightclub singer Sallie Blair (the female Sammy Davis) has 3 pgs. Monique van Vooren has a nice full pg pin-up, Marilyn Monroe & Sophia Loren have small pics on inside BC. Plus an article about TV reporter Mike Wallace and Queena (Housemother of the the Jungle) - a 3 pg B&W comic strip by Don Wheeler. Book has 3/4 FC and small thin spots on edge of covers (from a piece of tape?) o/w tight & solid.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Model Studies Annual #14
Product ID: modstann.14fNo date - 1950s - Big 68 pg mag features B&W nude figure studies. Andre de Diennes has 13 pgs of photos plus Keith Bernard covers + 4 pgs of pics. No IDs but several familiar faces. Madeline Castle has 4 pgs, Bettie Page has 1 full page pic and one 2/3 pg pic - topless on beach. Diane Webber and Vivian Maledy each have 2 pgs, Betty Brosmer is on BC. Thin strip (1/4" - 1/2") of H2O marks along top edge, some spine wear but still decent - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Modern Man - 1954-12
Product ID: modm1954-12dBetty Brosmer Gorgeous FC by Keith Bernard. School for strippers - inc. full pg Candy Barr. Bettie Page has large 2/3 page pic. Simplex autos, a custom hot rod, and the Larlem Globetrotters. Extraodinary~~~
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $50.00
Modern Man - 1956-10
Betty Brosmer has great FC + 6 pg feature inc color CF. Bill Ward color BC as McCartney. Vallkyra has 4 pgs.
Monsieur - 1960-05
v3 #3 - Covergirl is Betty Brosmer. Shirley Quimby has a nice 6 pg feature and __ also has 6 pgs. Also a long 8 pg feature on Japanese girls and an article about world gambling. Plus a 6 pg jazz portfolio 'Portrait Studies of some of the Immortals of Jazz'. VG++ copy is very bright & glossy, lightly read but has a couple of thin spots on spine. Good copy has been well read and handled, normal wear and BC has been torn loose (cleanly) from bottom of spine to about half way up.
Nugget - 1955-11
V.1 #1 issue features Betty Brosmer as 'Miss Nugget' on FC, both inside covers and 2 feature pgs. Also 6 pgs of great photos by Andre de Dienes and fiction by John Steinbeck, James Joyce and Erskine Caldwell. Light stresses, clean and glossy, Fine. VG+ copy is misbound w/ group of pgs in middle upside down.
Outdoor Adventures - 1957-01
Product ID: outdadv1957-01dv2 #6 - 'The Truth About Marilyn Monroe' by Steve Graham with one full pg pic and smaller pics. Girl of the Month is Betty Brosmer with 2 pgs. FC painting of big game hunter fighting a tiger by Tom beecham. Very light wear, clean glossy VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Photographer's Showplace #2
Dec, 1956 issue w/ Anita Ekberg partial FC and a beautiful full page color pin-up. Another 76 pg issue loaded w/ top models inc 2 pgs each of Betty Brosmer and Phyllis Ursin plus single pgs of Barbara Nichols, Pat Priest, Candy Barr and Marla English. Meg Myles has inside BC + 2 other pics. Also lots of individual pics of stars inc Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell, Zsa Zsa Gabor and others.
Picture Life - 1954-09
v1 #6 has nice Betty Brosmer swimsuit FC. Mitzi Gaynor has 6 pgs inc CF. Jane Russell on inside FC, inside BC is gag photo of Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio. Mag is mostly news stories.
Rogue - 1958-09
Betty Brosmer has 5 big pgs, Dolly Reed, Julie Gibson & Madeline Castle each have 1. Article on Czechoslovakia. VG+
Rogue - 1959-02
Product ID: rogu1959-02cBetty Brosmer FC, Madeline Castle CF and lots of pin-ups inc Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, Anita Ekberg and more. Few tiny chips o/w beautiful Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Studio - 1957-06
Product ID: studio1957-06dBetty Brosmer has outstanding close-up FC + CF by Keith Bernard. Lee Collins (America's highest paid nude model, was CF of Modern Man 2/57) has 6 pgs. A 4 pg feature on painter Peter Paul Rubens. Light wear, glossy VG+
This mag is an exact duplicate of 'Art Photography' also dated 6/57 but is not a reprint since both are dated 6/57. They are identical except for title on FC & contents page.
This mag is an exact duplicate of 'Art Photography' also dated 6/57 but is not a reprint since both are dated 6/57. They are identical except for title on FC & contents page.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00