Sheika Moser-p
Popular model/showgirl from the late 50s - 60s.
Ace - 1960-04
Product ID: ace1960-04dCovergirls are supposed sisters Sammy & Jeannie Lynne - Sammy (the brunette) is Alicyn Sanborn - they also have the BC + 4 pgs. Dion Garrett & Sheika Moser each have 4 pgs, Patty McMains & Audrey Wyatt each have 3 pgs. Plus 4 pgs of strippers, Carole Wynters has 2 pgs and Janice (aka Jan) Lee has 4 pics on inside BC. Articles w/ pics about Cecil B. DeMille and the Can-Can. Connie Sellers fiction ' Survival'. Very bright & glossy, lightly read, tiny bump on bottom right corner - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Adam - v06 #03
Product ID: adam-v06.03e1962 - Rina Marek is Covergirl, Sheika Moser is CF. Nice 4 pg article w/ pics about Mamie van Doren, Leigh Sands has BC, inside FC + 4 pgs, Lorna Dru has 3 pgs and German actress Irmgard van Eyck has 2 pgs. Plus 4 pgs of the Girls of Berlin, an article about Geisha Girls, fiction by Richard L. Sargent 'Agreement to Kill' and Bill Ward has a 1/3 pg B&W cartoon. Bright & glossy, some spine wear - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Adam Calendar - 1961
Folds open to double page size (17" high x 11" wide) - 1 double size page/month except FC & Dec are single page size. Great line-up of popular models in order (Jan thru Dec.) - Jeanne Mack, Carol Castle, Tanya Murietta, Donna Hunter, Beverly Hills, Eileen Maxwell, Daurene Dare, Ginger Gibson, Sheika Moser, Janis (Jan) Lee, Virginia Gordon and Sue Darby. Extremely bright & glossy this one is nearly new except for a light scratch on the cover and a few light 'thumb' marks.
Jem - 1963-07
Product ID: jem1963-07dv6 #1 - Now being published bimonthly by L & L Pubs, Inc w/ a stapled spine. June Palmer has very nice 5 pg feature as 'Maureen', Alicyn Sanborn has 5 pgs inc CF as ' Shirley Shippe' and Sheika Moser has 6 pgs as 'Rita Harley'. Clean, glossy, some light rubbing on cover - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Modern Man - Special #22
Product ID: modm-spec.22inc1961 Yearbook of Queens - 1961. Another awesome issue! Iris Bristol has both covers - same pic + 2 pgs. Jayne Mandfield has 4 pgs, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Anita Ekberg, Sophia Loren, Diana Dors, Brigitte Bardot, June Wilkinson, Sheika Moser, Julie Newmar, Joan Bradshaw and Ziva Rodann each have 3 pgs. Fay Spain, Joan Tabor, Marie Smythe and Beverly Scott each have 2 pgs. Virginia Gordon and Terry Higgins each have 1 pg. Very bright & glossy, a bit of wear on BC. Mag is missing pg 35/36 - Virginia Gordon on 1 side/Terry Higgins on the other.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00
Monsieur - 1967-06
v9 #5 - Good issue! Anonymous Covergirl is Wendy - the Covergirl & CF from 9/65. Annette Johnson has 5 pgs inc CF and Sheika Moser has 5 pgs as 'Renee'. A very familiar looking Louise has 5 pgs and June Palmer has 1 pg. Plus 'The Swinger' a 4 pg B&W comic strip by Vic Martin. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, a few minor stresses. Good copy has been well read and handled but no serious defects.
Rogue - 1962-01
Product ID: rogu1962-01dTina Gamwell has 5 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF, Susan Adams also has 5 pgs and Sheika Moser has 3 pgs. Plus Brigette Bardot at Cannes (2 pics) and a feature on the Broadway musical 'Kicks & CO. w/ Nichelle Nichols (3 pics)'. Robert Bloch has 1 pg column about Boris Karloff and William F. Nolan writes a profile of Rod Serling. VG++ copy is very bright & glossy, lightly read. VG copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses and bump on top eright corner.
Scamp - 1963-02
v6 #3 - Now on a Quarterly publication schedule. Gail Conti has FC + 3 pgs, Donna Noble has 4 pgs, Janice (aka Jan, Janne) Lee has 3 pgs. Also Carol Riva has 2 pgs and Sheika Moser has 2 pgs as 'Aniza Roda'. Fiction by Ted Mark 'The Executive Position' and Connie Sellers 'Every Fourth Night', plus an article about Frank Harris (author of 'My Secret Life'). VG+ copy is bright & glossy, 2 small color flakes near top of spine, bump at bottom of spine. Good copy is fairly well read and handled, some rubbing & scuffing, '40 C' written on cover.
Sir Knight - v1.11
1959 - Covergirl is Karen Dodge, Shirley Quimby is CF. Cheryl Kubert has 4 pgs, Sheika Moser has 3 pgs and Pat Gregory has 2 pgs. Plus a long 6 pg feature on LA Strippers inc Baby Doll & Midnight and 1 pg by Richard E. Geis "The Key To Love". Very bright & glossy, a few small stresses - VG+
Spree - v1 #18
1960 - Covergirl Brenda Graham is also in a 12 pg pictorial w/ Sue Cole (aka Betty Harmon) on yacht. Sheika Moser has fantastic 7 pg feature inc a color CF!! Mabel Rea has 6 pgs, Dee Dee Candis has 5 pgs and Maxine Gorman, Clara Linn Maxwell & Jan Renfro each have 4 pgs. Plus a 5 pg feature on Japanese burlesque. Mag has normal wear, no serious defects but is missing pg 19/20 - the first page of a feature on auto racing.
Swank - 1961-09
v8 #4 features Sheika Moser FC + 4 pg pictorial - as a brunette. Also Joyce McCord (is Alicyn Sanborn) has 5 pgs, and a feature on the Crazy Horse Saloon in H'wood. Also an Interview w/ Brigitte Bardot, a Robert Bloch short story 'The Unpardonable Crime' and an article about comedienne Dick Gregory. Good copy has light H2O marks in bottom right corner & along bottom edge - not too bad, no stuck pgs. Fair copy has heavier H2O marks in both bottom corners & along bottom edge but no stuck pgs.