Julie Strain-p
Busty, raven haired 6' 1" Amazon was the Penthouse Pet of 6/91. Appeared in scores of mags during the 90s and was a frequent CF and/or Covergirl including Penthouse 1/93 w/ Charlie Sheen and 6/93 w/ Jay Leno. Also appeared in numerous horror films.
Draculina - 1995-07
Product ID: drac1995-07c#23 features Julie Strain FC as a nude vampire holding a skull + 6 pgs. Deborah Dutch has 8 pg Interview w/ lots of pics and complete filmography. Mandy Leigh has big 10 pg feature inc CF plus features on Joan Gerardi and Melissa Anne Moore. Black cover is bright & glossy - Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Femme Fatales - v1.2
Product ID: Femf-v1.1Fall, 1992 issue. Sybil Danning has FC + big 10 pg feature. Elvira has 6 pgs inc CF. Monique Gabrielle & Kathleen Kinmont each have 6 pgs, Julie Strain, Sharon Stone, Deliah Sheppard and Caroline Munro each have 4 pgs. An article about Joe Bob Briggs and a 2 pg movie review of 'The Dwelling' w/ Michelle Bauer. For complete listings click on photo to see contents page. Bright & glossy w/ some stresses, bottom right corner is soft - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Hot Body Video Magazine - v8
Product ID: vid-hotbovima-v8(1994) Chesapeake Prod. (1hr) - Random scenes, all girls (mostly lingerie posing) Featuring Julie Strain. Cardboard Sleeve.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Leg Show - 1996-04
Julie Strain has FC + 9 pgs, Ginger has 8 pgs inc CF. Kimberly Kupps has 6 pgs, Michelle Bauer has 3 pgs of pics by Elmer Batters. Girlfriends Bonnie & Katrina share 7 pgs, Kaitlyn has 7 pgs, Sharon has 6 pgs and Black model June (same girl as Sharietha in 6/94?) has 6 pgs. Eric Stanton has a full page color illo. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, a couple of very minor stresses.
Leg Show - 1997-07
Julie Strain has FC + 8 pgs inc CF. Alexandria (was FC & CF of 1/97) & boyfriend have 8 pgs, Cricket, Elena, Sabrina and girlfriends Paulina & Teresa each have 8 pgs. Ulrike Fulleborn and Princess Black each have 6 pgs. Elmer Batters has 2 pgs of pics. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Penthouse - 1991-06
Julie Strain has close-up FC + huge 15 pg pictorial inc CF. POY Runner-up Krista Pflanzer (was CF 7/86) has 6 pgs, girlfriends Ann Marie & Jenna share 11 pgs and the Pet of the Year Play-off. Interview w/Zulu leader Mangosuthu Buthelezi. Articles about Karen (Good Fellas) Hill and the Carol Stuart murder in Boston.
Penthouse - 1992-02
Covergirl is Sara Norton - she was also FC & CF of 8/89. Leslie Glass has great 15 pg pictorial inc CF. Julie Strain has 9 pgs. POY Runner-up Amy LYnn has 9 pgs and 3 girlfriends - Louise, Susan & Jeannette - share 12 pgs. Article about Black Messiah Yahweh Ben Yahweh and an Interview w/ Rev. Al Sharpton. Also an article about Elton John. Mag comes with 16 pg bonus booklet - the 100 best adult videos by Al Goldstein.
Penthouse - 1993-01
Product ID: pent1993-01eCharlie Sheen & Pet of the Year Julie Strain FC. 'Lace' from American Gladiators (real name Natalie Lennox) has 13 pgs inc CF. Julie Strain has 15 pg pictorial. Kimberly Bishop (aka Kimberly Reynolds), Keisha & a 3rd girl share 10 pgs and girlfriends Tammy & Vera also share 10 pgs. Mag contains a giant 8 pg detachable poster - one side is Julie Strain the other side is previous Pet of the Year Brandy. Interview w/ Charlie Sheen and a 2nd Interview w/ Israeli Intelligence Agent Ya'akov Nimrodi (all about Bush & Iran-Contra). Feature article on Vicki Long and her affair w/ Bishop Eugene A. Marino. Light crease bottom right corner FC, bright & glossy - VG/VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Penthouse - 1993-06
Julie Strain has FC w/ Jay Leno and a Harley. Sam Phillips has 13 pgs inc CF. Girlfriends Jolyn & Debra share 11 pgs - they are Ashley Lauren & Summer Knight. Roberta & Thaina (is Thania Mark?) share 9 pgs, plus the Pet of the Year Play-off. Interview w/ Jay Leno. Article about publisher Robert Maxwell. VG+ copy has small price sticker on FC.
Penthouse - 1994-01
Product ID: pent1994-01dPet of the Year Sahsa Vinni FC + 11 pgs. Bonita (aka Bo) Saint has 13 pgs inc CF (she is also in 8/95). Theresa has 10 pg pictorial of colorized photos, girlfriends Alexis Christian (CF of 11/92) and Robin share 10 pgs. Mag contains giant 8 pg detachable poster - one side is Sasha Vinni, other side is Julie Strain. Feature articles on sex and the diabled and the Amy Fisher/Joey Buttafuoco affair. Penthouse Comix - 9 pgs of Bethlehem Steele. Light wear, sharp VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Penthouse - 1994-02
Tiffany Burlingame FC + 13 pgs inc CF. Girlfriends Julie (Strain) & Jacqueline share 9 pgs. Compusex 9 pg pictorial of photos manipulated with imaging software. Feature articles on serial killer Joel Rifkin, wildlife activist Sam LaBudde and boot camps for young offenders. Penthouse Comix - 8 pgs by Arthur Suydam.
Penthouse - 1994-10
Covergirl Heidi Lynne also has 113 pgs inc CF. Julie Strain has 13 pgs w/ girlfriend Shannon. Big 9 pg feature on Supermodels. Articles about child sex abuse victims and American Indians. The 20 worst college football teams. Penthouse Comix by Milo Mananara & Pedro Almodovar - 6 pgs.
Penthouse - 1997-03
Pet of the Year Runner-up Heidi Lynne FC + 13 pgs. Nickie St. Giles has 15 pgs inc 3 pg foldout CF. Tanya Danielle has 12 pg pictorial, Julie Strain & girlfriend Levea share 11 pgs. Feature articles on chicken hawk Michael Jackson, Heroin addiction and 'Blasting the FBI' - about chemist Frederick Whitehurst. Penthouse Comix - Click 2 by Milo Manara - Episode 2 - 6 pgs. Sorayama has 1 pg illo. New, unopened copy still sealed in original plastic bag!
Penthouse - 1998-07
Nikita has FC + 15 pgs inc 3 pg foldout CF. Silvia Saint has 12 pgs in pool w/ boyfriend Ferenc. Julie Strain has good 12 pg feature promoting her movie 'Heavy Metal'. Girlfriends Paulina & Pamela share 11 pgs. Interview w/ Baseball player Gary Sheffield. Feature article on Mob boss Anthony 'Gas Pipe' Casso. Penthouse Comix - Click 3 by Milo Manara, Episode 6 - 6 pgs. Sorayama has a 2 pg illo. FINE++ copy is New, still sealed in original plastic bag.
Penthouse - Hong Kong 1993-01
Huge sqaurebound volume with glued spine has excellent close-up FC of Gennifer Flowers + big 12 pg feature. 3 more very long pictorials plus 16 pg Pet of the Year Play-off - 4pg each for 4 different girls inc Julie Strain. Good copy has some H2O damage.
Penthouse Letters - 1993-12
Product ID: pent-lets1993-12cv11 #12 - Covergirl is Julie Strain, Jeanette Starion has 2 pics. Bright, glossy Fine w/ a few tiny remnants of price sticker in upper right corner (off image).
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Pet Of The Year Playoff 1992
Product ID: pent-vid-ppo19921992 - VHS, 60 minutes. Features Julie Strain (Pet 6/91), Mahalia Maria (Pet 1/91)and Theresa Presley (Pet 4/91). All 3 on box front & back. Box and video in excellent shape.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Rage - 1996-08
Product ID: rage1996-08dv1 #1 - Covergirl is Kristina Brown and 'Shooter' (a girl w/ pistols) has 12 pgs inc CF. Julie Strain & Linda Johnson as vampires have 8 pgs and Shannon has 7 pgs. An anonymous couple 'Sex Punks' has 8 pgs - girl is Davia Ardell? Articles about the band 'Garbage' and Howard Stern. Harlan Ellison fiction 'From A Great Height' and also by Ellison 'Naked Deranged Psycho Thrill Demon' - a memoir of the last great days of pulp magazines. Plus a feature on 'Rock 'N' Shock' shows. Very bright & glossy, clean white cover, a few spine stresses and 'thumb' marks - VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Scream Beat # 02
Product ID: scrb.02b(1996) - Debbie Dutch FC. Big 64 pg issue has 49 very nice full pg color pin-ups inc Michelle Bauer, Monique Gabrielle, Julie Strain, Brinke Stevens, Linnea Quigley, Monique Gabrielle, Rhonda Shear and lots more - for a complete list see contents page. About New - FINE+
Number in Stock: 54
Price: $5.00
Scream Queens Ill. # 04
Product ID: scrq.04cMelissa Anne Moore has FC + 6 pgs. Julie Strain has 8 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Also the Becky LeBeau soft bodies album w/ pics of Becky, Julia Parton, Danni Ashe, Tamara Lee, Julia Hayes and Elayne Dahl. Jasmine St. James has 5 pgs, some w/ Melissa Silver, Stevee Ashlock has 3 pgs and Tina Jo (Joey) Bagne has 2 pgs. Tiny nudge top right corner, bright & glossy - Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Scream Queens Ill. # 07
Product ID: scrq.07b(1995) - Julie Strain has FC + 8 pgs, Monique Gabrielle has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Dallas Fenton has 5 pgs. A long feature on the making of 'Red Lips' and more from monster maker Ted Bohus. About new - Fine+
Number in Stock: 5
Price: $15.00
Scream Queens Ill. # 12
(1997) - Julie Strain has FC + 7 pgs. Tammy Parks has 12 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Julie Wallace has 10 pgs. This issue had alternate FCs, this is the red cover variation.
Scream Queens Ill. # 12 Autograph copy
(1997) - Julie Strain has FC + 7 pgs. Tammy Parks has 12 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Julie Wallace has 10 pgs. Barely touched - Fine+
Scream Queens Ill. PosterBook - v1
Product ID: scrq-pb.1c1997 - Is a 16 pg booklet that folds open and has a giant 8 pg (21" x 33") poster on one side. Other side has 5 other photos of Julie - a 2 pg photo and 4 single pg pics + front & back covers. Bright, shiny Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Scream Queens Ill. PosterBook - v1 - Autographed
Product ID: scrq-pb.1-au1997 - Is a 16 pg booklet that folds open and has a giant 8 pg (21" x 33") poster on one side. Other side has 5 other photos of Julie - a 2 pg photo and 4 single pg pics + front & back covers.
Signed on FC with black marker by Julie Strain. Fine+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Sensous Scenes of Hollywood
Product ID: vid-sensscofho1992(1992) Player Home Video (60Min) Not Hardcore - Julie Strain box front and is in flick. Monique Gabrielle. Carboard sleeve.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Tease! #5
Product ID: tease.51995 - Dangerous Women Issue. Julie Strain FC painting by Olivia de Berardinis + 6 pg feature article. Tura Satana has a 9 pg Interview w/ pics, Cleo Moore has 6 pgs, Poison Ivy (of the rock band The Cramps) has 6 pgs inc CF. Also features on artist Milt Caniff, 1960s nudie movie bad girls and juvenile delinquents.
NEW - unread copy at original cover price - FINE++
Number in Stock: 10
Price: $6.95