Adam Film World - v14.02
Product ID: adfiwo-v14.02inc10/91 - Racquel Darrian has a nice FC. A 6 pg review of 'Snatched to the Future' w/ Sandra Scream, Angela Summers, Victoria Paris and Erica Boyer. Loads of other reviews. Bright & glossy, some spine stresses, BC lightly wrinkled. Mag is missing 48 pgs from center of book (pgs 35 - 82 inc poster).
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $5.00
Genesis - 1992-02
Alice has FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Alexandria Quinn has 7 pgs and Donna Ewin has 4 pgs as 'Tammy'. Rhonda has 10 pgs, Ginger has 8 pgs and a Photo-Interview w/ Savannah - 4 pgs. Article about gambling schools.
High Society - 1991-06
Savannah has FC as 'Shannon'. Capri has 10 pgs inc CF. Rosanna Arquette has 6 pgs. Meche Capwell (as 'Nicole') & boyfriend have 8 pgs. Sharon Hawthorne has 8 small pics on 4 pgs. Candy Starrak has 6 pgs. Celine & Michelle each have 6 pgs and Cinabar has 5 pgs. Girlfriends Arianne & Helena have 6 pgs. An article about Roy Radin.
High Society - 1991-12
Covergirl is Shyla Fox. Sandra Scream has 12 pgs inc CF, Savannah has 6 pgs as 'Daisie' and Bobbie Brown has 8 pgs (she is CF of 6/93). Louise Germanine has 6 pgs, Kali has 5 pgs and Samantha Fox has 4 pgs. Joanne McVay & girlfriend share 6 pgs and Tina Tyler as 'Christa' & boyfriend have 8 pgs. Jennifer Jason Leigh has 6 pgs and a feature on the Crocodile Man from Thailand.
High Society - 1993-03
Savannah has FC + 12 pgs inc CF and Nicole Simmons has 8 pgs. Taylor Lynn Stevens, Fauna (was in 2/93 - is Lisa Comshaw?) and Madonna each have 6 pgs. Sylvia (same girl as Daphne in 2/92), Yvette and Renee each have 6 pgs. Girlfriends Fiera & Monika share 6 pgs and Jennie has 6 pgs w/ boyfriend Mick. More porn stars - Where Are They Now?, a feature on Stunt People and an article about Femme Fatale killers.
High Society - 1994-03
Product ID: pold-hsoc1994-03cPolish mag is 60 pgs, nearly all pics on glossy paper featuring 10 attractive models w/ first names only (4 - 6 pgs each). Covergirl Amelia also has 6 pgs, Savannah has a 6 pg pictorial - very nice pics and April Stevens (aka Carla Fernandez) has 6 pgs as 'Kate'. Alex Ebel has a 2 pg illo. Minor spine stresses, bright & glossy - Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
High Society - Book of Lingerie 1990.4
v1 #1 - Winter, 1990. 100 pg issue is practically cover to cover photos - mostly 2-4 pgs/model. Lots of familiar faces. Covergirl Veronica (Dol?) also has BC + 3 pgs. Kirsten Imrie & Trine Michelson each have 4 pgs, Julia Parton, Savannah, Andrea Clark and Tori Welles each have 2 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! - FINE+
Hustler - 1991-03
Savannah has FC + 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Tracey has 8 pgs, girlfriends Ricki & Ladelle share 7 pgs and Tammy (Stacey Nichols?) has 8 pgs w/ Jed. Articles about Jack Ruby, breast implants and import sexpots. VG+
Hustler Best of # 020
1990 - Covergirl Betsy also has 8 pgs (4/91). Savannah has 6 great pgs (3/91 - 1st 6 pgs only), Madison & boyfriend Joe share 8 pgs (5/91 - 1st 8 pgs only). Angela has 6 pgs (1/91 - 1st 6 pgs only) and girlfriends Berenice & Margret share 6 pgs - 1 is Ashley Lauren (2/91 - 1st 6 pgs only). FINE copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a few minor stresses.
Paradise - 1995-01
Product ID: parad1995-01fv2 #1 features Savannah FC + 3 pg farewell w/ list of movies. Jessica L'Amour has 10 pgs as 'Jacqueline'. Ashley Rene & Brittany Morgan share 9 pgs (as Corinne & Felicia). Hannah and Pam each have 10 pgs, Danielle has 9 pgs. Vanessa del Rio has a letters column plus a feature on Hollywood Drag Queens. Big 132 pg issue also has separate 52 pg booklet 'Kinky Perversions' - B&W, mostly ads but has Summer Cummings & Skye Blue color FC. A bit rough - spine stresses, some creases but not too bad - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Penthouse Letters - 1993-03
v11 #3 - This is billed as the Premiere Issue of 'Love Scenes' on the FC, but is listed as Penthouse Letters v11 #3 in publicaton credits. Squarebound issue w/ 116 pgs. This has stories w/ much longer pictorial features. Savannah & Rocco Siffredi have 18 pgs as 'Marilyn & Joe', Danielle Rodgers and boyfriend have 18 pgs as 'Saundra & Frank'. Plus 3 more pictorials of other couples - all B&W photos by Craig Morey. Have 2 copies - 1 is NEW copy still sealed in original plastic bag - Unread, Untouched! This copy has a sticker on the front of the bag and comes with a free bonus booklet titled 'Pretty Woman' (looks like about 16 pgs). Other copy is Fine, does NOT have bonus booklet.
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $0.00