Alicyn, Alison Sanborn-p
Busty dark haired model was popular all thru the 60s. Appeared in a number of early PN type slicks - often anonymously or with just a single name. Numerous apps in other mags under a variety of names. Was CF of MINX v1 #1, MR. 10/68 (as Alicia Sanborn) and SIR 3/63 as Sammy Lynne.
First name also spelled Alison, Alisyn and other variations.
First name also spelled Alison, Alisyn and other variations.
Ace - 1960-04
Product ID: ace1960-04dCovergirls are supposed sisters Sammy & Jeannie Lynne - Sammy (the brunette) is Alicyn Sanborn - they also have the BC + 4 pgs. Dion Garrett & Sheika Moser each have 4 pgs, Patty McMains & Audrey Wyatt each have 3 pgs. Plus 4 pgs of strippers, Carole Wynters has 2 pgs and Janice (aka Jan) Lee has 4 pics on inside BC. Articles w/ pics about Cecil B. DeMille and the Can-Can. Connie Sellers fiction ' Survival'. Very bright & glossy, lightly read, tiny bump on bottom right corner - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Ace - 1960-06
Product ID: ace1960-06dFrench model Leila Jazy has FC + 4 pgs, Jamie O'Neill also has 4 pgs. Marie Odile, Janice (aka Jan) Lee and Ursula Lorenz each have 3 pgs. Allyson Sanborn and Gwen Hooven each have 2 pgs. Article on movie director Eric Von Stroheim. Ted Mark fiction 'The Curse of Fatherhood'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and just a touch of color flaking at top of spine - VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Charlie Julian's Las Vegas Playgirl - v1 #1
Product ID: charjlasvegpygl-v1.1c(No date - c. 1960 - Las Vegas Playgirl Inc.) - The lowdown on everything that's happening in 'Vegas plus features on girls who work there. Virginia Rogers has 4 pgs, Alicyn Sanborn, Joy Reynolds and Wendy March each has 3 pgs, Caryl Bayne has 2 pgs. Very light wear, bright & glossy - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
Flame #6
Product ID: modvd-flam6No date - early 60s. Sue Baxter has 9 big pgs inc a color CF. Virginia Bell has 7 pgs, Alyson (sic) Sanborn has 5 pgs, and Iris Bristol has 4 pgs. Plus Curvella Bustlein (I can't make this stuff up!) and girlfriends Jane & Joann.
Number in Stock: 1000
Price: $9.95
Flame #6
Product ID: modvd-flam6No date - early 60s. Sue Baxter has 9 big pgs inc a color CF. Virginia Bell has 7 pgs, Alyson (sic) Sanborn has 5 pgs and Iris Bristol has 4 pgs. Plus Curvella Bustlein (I can't make this stuff up!) and girlfriends Jane & Joann.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Follies - 1961-11
Product ID: foll1961-11c(v6.2) Jamie O'Neil has FC + 2 pgs, Jet Dubois has 4 pgs inc color CF. Alice Maitland, Chris Colt, Thea Woden and Joyce McCord (is Alicyn Sanborn) each have 2 pgs. Vivian Sellers, Jody Stewart, Lauri Del Mar, Ellen Walterrs, La Wana Chilton, Lydia Jean, Billie Metz, Fran Gray and Carmen Gray each have 2 pgs. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and TINY nick along bottom edge of BC, some interior pgs have small naturally occurring wrinkles in the paper - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Frolic - 1960-08
Covergirl Lana Dale also has 3 pgs, Renee Andre has 4 pgs inc a 2 pg color CF. Laura Stevens and Patty McMains each have 3 pgs. Sandra Edwards, Carol Baker, Carol Lind, Allyson (sic) Sanborn, Donna Dorn each have 2 pgs. Tania Velia, Rita Gianuzzi, Lisa Kamish, Ricki Covette and Karen Klause each have 1 pg. Plus many other popular models inc Sally Ann Scott, Melody Ward, Gilda Graham, Judy Bamber, Lee Sharon and Judy Crowder. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, very lightly read but has some writing in upper left corner of cover.
Jem - 1963-07
Product ID: jem1963-07dv6 #1 - Now being published bimonthly by L & L Pubs, Inc w/ a stapled spine. June Palmer has very nice 5 pg feature as 'Maureen', Alicyn Sanborn has 5 pgs inc CF as ' Shirley Shippe' and Sheika Moser has 6 pgs as 'Rita Harley'. Clean, glossy, some light rubbing on cover - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Mr - Wall Calendar 1970
Product ID: mr-wcal1970Covergirl is June Harris. Calendar is 12 full color 2 pg (11 1/2" x 17") photos w/ wire spiral at top. Girls only have single names but Alicyn Sanborn is month of June as 'Alicia' and Lillian Parker (aka Adrienne Stout) is month of September as 'Adrienne'. You'll probably recognize a few more of these familiar faces. Photos are very high quality on slick paper - great stuff! Has a few stresses along fold line and TINY corner bumps - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Pleasure - v1 #2
Product ID: vpn-pleasure-v1.2inc1960 from Art Enterprises, Inc. Several familiar faces but most names are bogus. Covergirl Glenda Graham also has 4 pgs as 'Linda Mann'. Gail Williams & Sharon Smith each have 4 pgs, Lila Sorrens has 3 pgs and Jackie Hilton has 2 pgs. Also Dani Roche & Stacey Morgan share 6 pgs - 1 is Alicyn Sanborn. Fiction by Robert Bloch 'The Sex Education of Homer'. Mag has a 1/2 size (4" wide x 11" tall) booklet at center - a condensed version of 'Lust Farm' by Jacques Louis. Covers have pulled loose at staples, price written on cover in pencil, is missing the 2 center pages (45-48) of the condensed book.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Sir - 1963-04
Product ID: sir1963-04dAlicyn Sanborn has 6 pgs inc a 3 pg CF as 'Sammy Lynne', Vreny Bruner has a nice 5 pg feature and Betty Harmon (Covergirl of Gent 2/66) has 4 pgs. Also an article on the new Japanese navy and James Michener fiction "Fo' Dolla'". Bright shiny red cover, a few minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Sir Knight - v1.10
1959 - The New 'Sir Knight' according to FC. Covergirl Joan Webb also has 3 pgs, Ann Atmar has 3 pgs and Aliscyn (sic) Sanborn is CF. Lynn Hayward & Kay McNamara each have 4 pgs, Luana Chilton & Marge Martin each have 2 pgs, Pat Gregory on inside BC. Plus a feature on the Follies Bergere and fiction by Earle Schell 'Beach Party' and Connie Sellers ' All Night Long'. VG copy has some scuffing on covers, minor writing. Fair copy is heavily read and handled, loose CF was re-attached with tape that has dried out and stained pages.
Spice - v1 #4
Product ID: vpn-spice-v1.4e1959 by Tri-S Pubs. - Good mag! Covergirl Mary Ann Arras also has 4 pgs, Brenda Graham has BC + 5 pgs inc a full pg color pin-up. Jody Nelson has 5 pgs, Mary Wheeler has 4 pgs, Jeannie Mack has 3 pgs inc a full pg color pin-up and Alicyn Sanborn & Lynn Arden each have 2 pgs. Also fiction by Con Sellers 'Kill Hard Kill Fast'. Normal wear but still bright & glossy - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Spree - v1 #15
Product ID: spre-v1.15d1959 - Covergirl is Cindy Tyler(?). Alicyn Sanborn has inside FC + 6 pgs - 1 is full pg color pic. Jan Lee, Jane Small, Annette Scott and Linda Wood each have 4 pgs. CF is Shawna Lee. A feature on the Jazz Scene and 'The Adventures of Ronald Roue' a 6 pg B&W comic strip. A bit of wear along spine, small water spot in lower left corner (almost invisible) but bright & glossy - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Swank - 1961-09
v8 #4 features Sheika Moser FC + 4 pg pictorial - as a brunette. Also Joyce McCord (is Alicyn Sanborn) has 5 pgs, and a feature on the Crazy Horse Saloon in H'wood. Also an Interview w/ Brigitte Bardot, a Robert Bloch short story 'The Unpardonable Crime' and an article about comedienne Dick Gregory. Good copy has light H2O marks in bottom right corner & along bottom edge - not too bad, no stuck pgs. Fair copy has heavier H2O marks in both bottom corners & along bottom edge but no stuck pgs.