Jamie Lynn-p
Busty brunette model from the mid 70s to early 80s, often known as just 'Jamie'. Appeared frequently in PN mags, usually anonymously. Has a 6 pg feature in BUF 3/83 as 'Jamie' and 6 pgs in Night & DAY Supermamas #1 as Jamie Lynn.
Big Busty - v1 #1
Product ID: modvd-fdbbv1No date - ca. mid 70s - by Bookpress B.V. (Holland), a Chick Publication is Digest size with 48 pgs, 32 in color, all but a few are full pg pics. Roberta Pedon has FC + 3 pgs inc CF - all in color. Wendy Smith aka Geraldine has 11 pgs - all full pg, 7 are color. Roxanne Brewer has 4 pgs (2 in color), Arlene Bell has 3 full pg color pics, Nika Movenka has 3 full pg pics - 2 in color, Jo-Ann Bergsson has 3 pgs - all full pg color pics, Jamie Lynn has 4 full pg pics. Plus some other familiar faces inc full pg pics of Laura Lynnwood, Danielle Dawson and Roni Bell? in a blonde wig.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95