Mikki Dessa-p
Tall, slim Asian girl usually billed as Filipino, Indonesian or something else exotic. Last name is questionable but this girl appeared in numerous pubs during 1973-74 as either Mikki or Nikki (usually in Challenge pubs). Some apps include Climax 5/73 & 3/74 and Night & Day 2/73 - all as Nikki and PIX 6/74 as Mikki. Mikki Dessa is the name used in Penthouse 7/73 and is the only thing close to a real name I've found. Had a bit part in the movie 'White Lightning' w/ Bo Hopkins.
Climax - 1973-05
Product ID: clim1973-05cv19 #5 - Bobbi Lewis has FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Toby Wenig (aka Michelle Weiner) has big 8 pg feature as 'Michele'. Hilde Alexandra has 6 pgs as 'Hilda'. Exotic beauty Mikki Dessa has 4 pgs as 'Nikki Damwyk'. Plus 5 more pictorials and a movie review of 'Sex Ward Sixty Nine'. Sharp, glossy Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Penthouse - 1973-07
Product ID: pent1973-07dCindy McDee FC + 11 pgs inc CF. Mikki Dessa has 10 pg pictorial - some pics w/ Bo Hopkins from movie 'White Lightning'. Gayle Davis has an 8 pg pictorial. Interview w/ American Indian activist Vernon Bellecourt. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 19 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Marco Vassi fiction 'The Kingdom of Come'. Article about the Psychological Stress Evaluator and a 2 pg feature on Jaguar XJ-12. Nice VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00