Vanessa del Rio-p
Adult Cinema Review - 1982-01
Product ID: adulcire1982-01av1 #7 - Barbara Peckinpaugh (aka Susanna Britton) has FC + 10 pgs inc CF as 'Amorella Amber' the star of 'Blonde Goddess'. Plus a separate 14 pg review of the movie 'Blonde Goddess' featuring Susanna & Loni Sanders. Porn stars Bunny & Buddy Hatton have 10 pgs. An 8 pg review of 'The Dancers' w/ Vanessa del Rio and 4 pg reviews of 'Nothing To Hide', 'Garage Girls' and 'Bizarre Styles' Magazine is in great condition, NEW, unread - absolutely gorgeous! FINE++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Bondage Video -v1 #1
Product ID: pn-bondvid-v1.1d1983 by Bizarre Tri Star Prods. (PN). Mag is 48 pgs, 8 color inc covers, CF and 4 more. Long reviews of 4 films inc 'Top Secret' starring Vanessa del Rio & Becky Savage. Also, 'Triplecross', 'Tourist Trap' and 'Bittersweet Revenge'. Avg wear, nice VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
Cheri - 1976-12
Carole Noelle has FC & BC as 'Mrs. Claus'. Tricha Vest has 9 pgs inc CF by Photographer Nippy Phillips. Vanessa del Rio has 7 pgs, Jennie and her bicycle have 7 pgs, Columbine has 4 pgs and Tammy Ward has 3 pgs. Features on sex impresario Rod Swenson and The Free Store in San Francisco. An article about the Rene Guyon Society and an Interivew w/ spokesperson Tim O'Hara. Mag contains a 20 pg detachable 'Carload O' Comics' color Insert by Robert Crumb. All copies have Crumb insert still attached in perfect condition.
Erotic Film Guide - 1982-08
Product ID: erfg1982-08b(Velvet's) v1 #2 - Danielle Martin has nice FC. Lee Carroll has a big 10 pg feature, Christy Welles has 7 inc CF, Vanessa del Rio has a 6 pg Interview w/ pics, Serena & Leslie Bovee share 6 pgs. Reviews of 'Never So Deep', 'Amanda By Night', 'The Blonde Next Door', 'Lips' and 'Inspirations'. Nearly New, Gorgeous, FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Escapade - 1976-04
Product ID: escp1976-04dVanessa Del Rio & George Gray have 4 pgs. Black model Yolanda & Helga each have 4 pgs. An article about new editor Jody Maxwell. A feature on antique sexy watches and Libby's Revenge - a 4 pg color bondage comic strip. Bright & glossy, small bump on bottom right corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Genesis - 1980-12
Lenora Bruce has FC + 8 pgs as 'Hedy'. Jill Russo has 9 pgs inc CF as 'Shana'. Linda Louise has 6 pgs, Chris O'Carroll has 8 pgs. Interview w/ Vanessa del Rio, Photo-Interview w/ actress Victoria Principal. Article about the Hunt Brothers attempt to corner the silver market and a pro hockey forecast.
High Society - 1978-10
Cheryl Tiegs has FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Leslie Bovee & Serena have an 8 pg Old West feature w/ outlaw Eric Edwards on a train. Brooke Shields and Vanessa Del Rio have Interviews w/ pics. Jeanie Snow has BC + 8 pgs, Lonnie Parker has 6 pgs, Nicole has 7 pgs. Girlfriends Samantha & Delilah share 8 pgs and a girl in a hospital has 6 pgs w/ her doctor.
High Society - 1981-09
Barbara Carrera has FC + 2 pgs, Jacqueline Lorians has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Sassy Morgan'. Lorie Armbrust has 7 pgs, Annie Sprinkle has 5 pgs, Vanessa Del Rio (as a cavewoman) has 9 pgs w/ a caveman. Randy West as a stripper at a bitrthday party for 6 girls inc Candy Samples & Annie Ample. Cherri Bomb has 3 pgs at the Renaissance Fair. An Interview w/ Gerard Damiano and a 4 pg movie review of 'Bad Girls'
High Society - 1981-12
Anastasia has FC + 5 pgs. Annie Ample has 7 pgs inc CF + bonus 33 1/3 rpm record. Vanessa Del Rio has 7 pgs, Goldie Hawn has 6 pgs. Gloria Leonard has 6 pg pictorial w/ Al Goldstein (publisher of SCREW). Jeri has 8 pgs - pretty sure this is Jill Russo and Hayward has 5 pgs. Interview w/ tennis ace Bjorn Borg.
High Society - 1990-11
Anna has FC + 6 pgs. Diane Bentley has 10 pgs inc CF. Alicia Monet and girlfriend Stephanie share 6 pgs, Brandy Ledford has 6 pgs as cowgirl 'Annie', Charmaine Sinclair has 6 pgs as 'Charlene'. Meg Tilly has 4 pgs, Vanessa del Rio has 2 pgs. Jacqueline & Maria each have 4 pgs and Lisa has 8 pgs w/ boyfriend Brian. A feature on shark fishing.
Hustler - 1981-03
Amber has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Vanessa Del Rio has 8 outstanding pages. Shari has 6 pgs (she is also in 7/81) and an anonymous girl has 10 pgs w/ an alien. Articles about George Bush and rape. Honey Hooker comic strip. Bob Bishop has 1 small illo.
Man To Man - 1981-07
Product ID: mama1981-07bv28 #4 - Has Hillary Summers FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Also 4 pg feature on Vanessa del Rio and an Interview w/ Roberta Findlay. Laura & Tracy each have 6 pgs, Carol has 5 pgs. Nearly new, super shiny, Fine+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
People's Choice (The) 719
Product ID: vid-peopch719The Odyssey Group Video (2hrs) High quality comp. Tapes all Major Stars."Girls Who love Big White Cock - v3". Vanessa del Rio, Desiree Cousteau, John Holms, Elle Rio, Candi Evans, Blondi, Nina Hartley and Amber Lynn.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Showgirl Superstars # 6
Product ID: vid-showsu.6(Prox1985) VCR (60Min) Box front "Sue Nero's Fantasies" she is also the star of the flick w/Vanessa del Rio. Special padded hard shell case.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Stag - 1981-03
v32 #3 - is loaded! Veri Knotty has 11 pgs inc CF w/ female sailor. Candy Samples & Sylvia Wright share 7 pgs w/ Stag's Angels Mandy (Terry Pepper) Connie & Ellen. Kandi Barbour (as Nora) has Letters Column w/ 1 full pg pic and several smaller ones. Vanessa del Rio Interview w/ 3 pgs pics - nice! Sue Nero also has 3 pgs. The Cutthroats (rock band) w/ Gina Harlow. FINE++ copy is NEW! FINE+ copy has small stress near spine.
Swank - 1983-10
Covergirl is Blair Castle, Barbara has 8 pgs inc CF, Shana Ross has 6 pgs as 'Diana'. Cara Lott & girlfriend share 5 pgs, Vanessa del Rio has 4 pgs and Lona has 6 pgs. Randy West and girlfriend have 6 pgs. Plus John Lennon & Yoko Ono porn pix and lots more. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, a few minor spine stresses. VG copy is bright & glossy but has light scratches on cover, spine stresses and small bump on top right corner.
Swank - Presents - 1982-10
v1 #1 - "Fantasy". Lots of familiar faces in this one. Jennifer Patterson has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Felicia', Sabena has 6 pgs. "Roller Girls" - 8 pg pictorial featuring Michelle Bauer & girlfriend as roller derby bimbos. Vanessa del Rio has 8 pgs w/ the postman (George Payne), Copper Penny & Kevin James have 8 pgs. Sylvia Benedict & Kevin James also have 8 pgs. Mei Ling (aka Jenny Kim) and girlfriend share 8 pgs as 'Venusia & Oralla', Candy & Lana have 10 pgs. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and small bump on top right corner - FINE
Vanessa - The Other Side Of
Product ID: modvd-van-os1986 Special Issue from Cinema Blue features Vanessa del Rio. All color mag is 84 pgs and a bonus 8 pg foldout poster makes it 100 even. More photos and info on Vanessa than you thought possible!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Vanessa Del Rio
Product ID: 8mm-vdr2-noboxNo box, short lead in to film says VDR2. 2 nurses in hospital room - one is Vanessa, the other is Leslie Bovee? blow their patient and he screws them both. Running time is 9:54. Film quality and color is very good - this is high class porn.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Vanessa Del Rio's Dirty Deeds
Product ID: vid-vanessadrdd1994 - Historic Erotica tape #047 is a 1 hour comp tape featuring Vanessa w/ a variety of partners. Great vintage porn inc a scene w/ Richard Bolla as a gynecologist! In a clear hardshell case w/ B&W photo label.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00