Felice Carr-p
Slim attractive blonde model with shoulder length hair who appeared in all the major titles from about the end of 1976 to early 1977 and then seems to have disappeared. Was a frequent Covergirl and/or CF but usually appeared with only a single name - different in almost every mag.
Felice Carr is the name used in the British mag MEN ONLY and is the only thing close to a real name I can find.
Was Covergirl of MEN ONLY v41.08 and had 7 pgs inc CF as Felice Carr (FC photo is same as FC photo of American CLUB 8/76). Also appeared in v42.02 (same photo set as CLUB 1/77 w/ 2 additional pgs).
Other apps include: CHERI 11/76 (as Ann), CLUB 8/76 (FC only), CLUB 9/76 - CF as Felice, CLUB 1/77 as Felice, GALLERY 11/76 - FC & CF as Anita and 3/77 - also as Anita w/ girlfriend, GENESIS 9/76 - CF as Jeannie, HIGH SOCIETY 2/77 as Ilona Smythe, and MEN ONLY as noted above.
aka Debbie Quinn
Ace - 1976-12
Product ID: ace1976-12dAnother issue full of girls with bogus names. Kitty Carlin has FC + 3 pg, Terry Ford has 6 pgs inc CF. Maggie Mark has 6 pgs and girlfriends Brandy & Ginger share 6 pgs - 1 is Felice Carr. Elsa Fokking, Liz Rector and Lila each have 4 pgs. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and small bump at top of spine - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Ace - 1981-02
Product ID: ace1981-02cCovergirl is Yolanda van Amersfoort, Anna Vertura has 5 pgs inc CF as 'Kathy Williams' and Lisa de Leeuw has 3 pgs as 'Terry'. Lisa, Monica & Doris share 4 pgs - 1 is Felice Carr and 1 is Diana Rose Hardy. Colette has 5 pgs, Honey Sue & Carole each have 4 pgs and Diane, Mary Ann & Nan each have 3 pgs. Very bright & glossy, almost new, has a small 3/4" tear on the margin of 2 interior pgs - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Adam - v20 #10
10/76 - Covergirl is Tanya, Mellie has 7 pgs. Felice Carr has 6 pgs - she was Covergirl & CF of Men Only v41 #8 as well as Covergirl of Club 8/76, CF of Club 9/76, FC & CF of Gallery 11/76, CF of Genesis 9/76 and appeared in numerous other mags at about the same time. Karen has 4 pgs and Marcia has 3 pgs. Plus 'Supercunt' - a 4 pg color comic. VG copy has a crease in upper right corner of FC , some normal wear but no serious defects.
All Man - 1977-09
Product ID: allm1977-09bCovergirl is Jane Stansil. Cynthia has 6 pgs inc CF. Phyllis has 6 pgs and girlfriends Debbie & Linda share 6 pgs (1 is Felice Carr - Covergirl & CF of CLUB 8/76 & Gallery 11/76). Pamela (Warren) has 4 pgs and lots more girls! Nearly new - Fine+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Cheri - 1976-11
Marlene Willoughby has a big 11 pg feature and Veri Knotty has 9 pgs inc CF. Felice Carr has 7 pgs as 'Ann Logan', "S" has 5 pgs (she was also in 8/76) and LaVerne LaLeche has 9 pgs w/ the farmer's son. Neal Adams has 5 pgs of 'Over and Under' comix and Lecherous Limericks by Isaac Asimov.
Chic - 1977-01
April has FC + 9 pgs, Felice Carr has 12 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Laura' and Sonja has 9 pgs. Articles about violence in ice hockey and the murder of reporter Don Bowles.
Club - 1976-08
Covergirl is Felice (last name Carr in MEN ONLY v41.08) - she is CF in 9/76 & also in 1/77. 2 anonymous girls share 9 pgs inc the CF - they are also in Men Only v41.07. Andi Currie (the covergirl from 7/76) has 7 pgs, Jessica has 6 pgs, Julia has 6 pgs and Benita has 5 pgs. Claire Cuthbert has 7 pgs w/ boyfriend in the cab of an 18 wheeler - they are also in Men Only v41.10. An article on David Bowie, Fiona Richmond in Bangkok (her last regular monthly column), a 2 pg illo by Chris Achilleos and a 2 pg illo by Olivia de Berardinis that is a sort of Mt. Rushmore w/ R. Welch, M. Monroe, Theda Bara, Mae West and Jean Harlow.
Note: Andi Currie, Jessica, Julia and Benita are also in Men Only v41.07.
Note: Andi Currie, Jessica, Julia and Benita are also in Men Only v41.07.
Club - 1976-10
Covergirl Letty (last name Barlow in MEN ONLY v41 #9) also has 9 pgs inc CF. Amanda Sue Adey (as Alison Roberts) has 6 pgs, Dawn also has 6 pgs and Serena (NOT that one) has 4 pgs. Felice Carr has 8 pgs w/ 4 guys in a bar and 2 girls in a cab have 5 pgs. Profile of comedian George Carlin, the Panther Lazer and a Karl Steiner article 'Tit Mad'. Bill Ward has a 2 pg illo. and Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo. 'Super Ball'. Mag comes w/ a 16 pg. digest-size insert of a new publication - Club Quest
Note: Alison Roberts, Dawn and Serena are also in Men Only v41.09,
Note: Alison Roberts, Dawn and Serena are also in Men Only v41.09,
Club - 1977-01
v2 #12 - Linda Gordon has gorgeous FC + 8 pgs inc CF. Delia (from FC 12/76) has 7 pgs - she is also in Men Only v41.11, Felice Carr (FC of 8/76 & CF of 9/76) has 5 pgs - she is also in Men Only v42.02. Plus Julie has 4 pgs and an anonymous couple in a barn havs 8 pgs - this feature is titled 'Stable Relationships' but in Men Only v42.01 they are called Petra & Mike and the feature is titled 'The Last Straw'. Interestingly enough the title 'The Last Straw' was also used on a completely different feature in a different issue. Articles on porn lawyers and Marrakesh Unveiled plus a Gore Vidal interview and a 2 pg illo by John Holmes
Dude - 1977-09
Product ID: dude1977-09dNames are BS but I bet you recognize almost everybody in this one! Linde has 6 pgs inc CF, Lynn Clark & Lolita have 6 pgs each (Lolita is CF of Nugget 10/78 as 'Chili'). Shelaugh Appleby and Susan each have 5 pgs, Rosemary Flynn and Felice Carr as 'Debbie' each have 4 pgs. Plus a girl w/ a guy in a gorilla suit, an anonymous couple - but the girl looks like Susan Yoha (CF of 1/77) and an article about gambling in Britain. Bright & glossy, small price pencilled in upper left corner and very light clean crease on bottom right corner of FC - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Escapade - 1977-05
v20 #3 (now on a bimonthly publication schedule). Covergirl is Fawn Faurote, Max has 5 gs inc CF. Charlie Goode (Covergirl & CF of Men Only v42 #4 and US Club 4/77) has 6 pgs as 'Rena' and Brice Emerson has 3 pgs. Felice Carr (CF of US Club 9/76 and Men Only v41 #8) and girlfriend share 4 pgs, plus more familiar faces with only 1 name or none at all. Fine copy is bright & glossy, small price written in upper right corner and tiny bump on bottom corner of BC. Fine- copy is bright & glossy, small price written in upper right corner and a couple of minor stresses. VG copy has been well handled but is solid with no serious defects.
Gallery - 1977-03
Product ID: gall1977-03dCovergirl Hilary Corona (aka Caroline Taborinne) also has 5 pgs as 'Babette'. A girl named Michael Palmer has 8 pgs inc CF. Girl Next Door Nancy K has 6 pgs, Anita (Covergirl & CF of 11/76) shares 6 pgs w/ a girlfriend (Anita is Felice Carr). Int w/ cocaine smuggler Zachary Swan. Articles about Minorites - Part 7 - Irish Ameicans, The CIA's secret war on Capitalism, topless clubs, Pro Boxing and Reggae music.. Nice VG+
Number in Stock: 4
Price: $10.00
Gallery International - v1 #10
US 11/76 - Covergirl Felice Carr also has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Anita' and Dee Riles has 5 pgs. An Interview w/ Rosmarie Frommhold, chief of the Hamburg, Germany vice squad. Features NOT found in the American edition include Anna Rutland w/ 9 pgs, Pat Miles w/ 5 pgs and an unknown guy w/ 2 girls - 9 pgs. Articles about sex in the animal world (NOT bestiality) and beer! FINE+ copy is extremely bright & glossy, basically new!
Genesis - 1976-09
Felice Carr has 10 pgs inc CF as 'Jeannie' (is also Covergirl?). Wild Child (FC of 8/76) has 5 pgs, Cookie has 6 pgs. Movie review of 'The Joy of Letting Go'. Article by Marilyn Chambers & Xaviera Hollander. Plus an article about Fidel Castro, the pro football forecast and 'Scarlet O'Harlot' a 3 pg color comic strip.
Gentleman's Companion - 1980-06
Laurie Smith has nice 8 pg pictorial inc CF as 'Linda' and Felice Carr (CF of Club 9/76) has 5 pgs as 'Loretta'. Kimberly Carter has 7 pgs as 'Cheryl', Sally has 8 pgs, and Black model Yolanda has 5 pgs. Fetish column on sadism. Bright & glossy, some minor stresses - VG+.
Girls/Girls - 1992 # 04
Product ID: gene-gg1992.04bKirsten Imrie has 6 pgs inc CF as 'Lenna' (6/91). Debbie Tays as 'Alice Collins' (9/82) and Jewel Shepard as 'Louisa Layland' (1/82) each have 8 pgs, Felice Carr has 9 pgs as 'Debra' (8/85). Zoe has 9 pgs (11/83 less CF), Jeane has 8 pgs (10/82) and Heather has 7 pgs (7/85). Bebe has 7 pgs (1/86 less 2 pgs - she was called Lois). FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Golden Girls #2
Product ID: gm.0044eca. 1980 - Older, taller format mag is only 32 pgs, all color photos. Janice Hurst has color BC, Dee Howard has 2 pgs as 'Barbie' and Felice Carr (Covergirl & CF of CLUB 9/76) also has 2 pgs. Some wear, light roll to top edge - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
High Society - v1 #3
Product ID: hsoc-uk-v1.3c3/77 - Most of this is a reprint of US 2/77. Covergirl is Sue Richards (same pic as FC of US 12/76). Val Dubello has 4 pgs. A group of people in an asylum have 10 pgs. Felice Carr has 5 pgs as 'Ilona Smythe', Linda Gordon has 4 pgs. An anonymous girl w/ Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson has 6 pgs. A 5 pg movie review of 'Blow Dry'. Lucy Freebottom has 7 pgs (US 12/76). Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses, small price written near top edge of FC - FINE
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Nugget - 1979-02
Product ID: nugg1979-02dCovergirl is Joanne Latham. Veronica has 6 pgs inc CF. June (is Gayle in Adam 6/83), Missy & Kelly each have 5 pgs. Hildegarde & Cynthia each have 4 pgs. Felice Carr has 6 pgs w/ 4 guys in a bar - pics from same shoot as Adam 12/80 and Gloria & Nancy have a 6 pg catfight. A different Gloria has 3 pgs w/ boyfriend Pierre. An article about the Ford Model 'T' and Mango Motel - a 4 pg B&W comic strip by Otis Sweat. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and light bump on botoom right corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00