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Follies - 1958-09

(v3.5) Covergirl Dixie Burroughs also has 1 page where she is called 'Pixie'. Lily Ayres has 4 pgs inc CF and Rita De Monte has 3 pgs. Sande Marlow, Sheree Winton, Elsa Carroll, Aleane Marie Burkhardt, Betty Baker, Carole Matthews, Virginia Romaine, Shirlee Garner, Judy Alexander and Angela Vergne each have 2 pgs. A 4 pg feature on strippers inc a full pg Blaze Starr. Melody Ward, Lola Hall and Jane Burgess each have 1 pg. Loads of other models inc Marla English. Some normal wear, stresses along spine, arrival date written in upper left corner - VG

Product #: foll1958-09e
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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