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Club - 1976-05

Claire Cuthbert w/ blonde hair has FC + 9 pgs inc CF as 'Annie'  - same girl is CF in Man's World 10/77 under the name Penny Parker. Laurette (from 2/76 FC & 3/76) returns w/ 6 pgs and Kerry Turner (aka Monica Thimme - Playboy Playmate in German edition of 7/76) also has 6 pgs - she was Covergirl & CF of 12/75. Also, Fiona's first film, a 2-girl set and a couple in a car (girl is Leslie Bovee??). An interview w/ Clive Barnes, Theater critic for the NY Times, genital tattoos and a 2 pg illo (Fair Play girls) by Olivia de Berardinis. FINE

Product #: club1976-05c
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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