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Modern Man - Special #22

1961 Yearbook of Queens - 1961. Another awesome issue! Iris Bristol has both covers - same pic + 2 pgs. Jayne Mandfield has 4 pgs, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor,  Anita Ekberg, Sophia Loren, Diana Dors, Brigitte Bardot, June Wilkinson, Sheika Moser, Julie Newmar, Joan Bradshaw and Ziva Rodann each have 3 pgs. Fay Spain, Joan Tabor, Marie Smythe and Beverly Scott each have 2 pgs. Virginia Gordon and Terry Higgins each have 1 pg. Very bright & glossy, a bit of wear on BC. Mag is missing pg 35/36 - Virginia Gordon/Terry Higgins.

Product #: modm-spec.22inc
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00
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