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Glamour International - Sweet Bettie #2

10/91 - Bettie Page. This 88 pg issue continues where the first volume left off with 'The Harrison Years - Part 2' a 3 pg list of Harrison pubs in which she appeared with 15 FCs and nearly 30 pgs of classic reprints plus a 1 pg list of other pubs featuring Bettie. It also features covers by Nicola Mari and artwork by Leon Frolic - 5 pgs, Mark Nitchels - 7 pgs and Max Frazzed - 2 pgs. Plus 'Who Killed Bettie Page?' - a 7 pg comic strip by Mickey Maserer & Roby Boldeceenee and 'Doctor Betty & Mister Page' a 7 pg comic by Nickey Seas. Later installments of 'The Harrison Years' index can be found in Glamour International volume #22 and Bizarre Life #4.

Product #: glamint-sb.2
Number in Stock: 6
Price: $45.00
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