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Glamour International - Sweet Bettie #1

4/91 - Bettie Page. This big 100 pg issue is devotede entirely to the pin-up queen of the 50s and features covers + 4 pgs of interior artwork by Leone Frollo. The centerpiece of this volume is 'The Harrison Years' - Part 1, an outstanding 4 pg index of  the Harrison publications in which she appeared. Included are the covers and reprints of 23 different issues of titles such as Beauty Parade, Eyeful, Flirt, Titter and Wink - nearly 50 pgs in all. There is also a 2 pf list of other pubs featuring Bettie, an 11 pg center section of full color paintings of Bettie plus comic strips with Bettie, vintage ads and more! A must have for Bettie fans!

Product #: glamint-sb.1
Number in Stock: 6
Price: $45.00
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