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Glamour International #25

5/98 - Crimes 'N' Gals In The USA - A Pictorial History 1930 - 1960s. This big 116 pg issue surveys the 'Bad Girls' from US comics, pulps & paperbacks from the 30s - 60s. It features many covers by artists such as Robert McGinnis, Bob Maguire & Ronnie Lester  and most of the top pulp artists. It also has a 28 pg section of paperback book covers w/ 6 ocvers/pg that are nearly full size - great stuff! In addition there is a 14 pg section on the artists with a brief bio & bibliography of over 100 famous names. Due to a bindery error pgs 109 - 112 are bound in at the front of the book, in some copies upside down.

Product #: glamint.25
Number in Stock: 5
Price: $40.00
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