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Glamour International #23

10/96 - The Girl In Black & White - a Special Jordi Bernet Issue. This big 116 pg issue features a 21 pg Interview and examples of inspirational work by more than 20 artists who influenced this master of gangster themed erotica. There is also a short biography, a chronology of his work as well as a bibliography. In addition to both covers there are 66 pgs of various strips as follows: 'Wat 69' & 'Sarvan' - 4 pgs each, 'Torpedo' - 14 pgs, 'Kraken' & 'Custer' - 4 pgs each, 'Light & Bold' & 'Historias Negras' - 6 pgs each, 'Diva' & 'Ab-Irato' - 4 pgs each, 'Clara De Noche' - 8 pgs, 'Ivan Piire' & "Tex & Lola Dixieland' - 4 pgs each. Plus a 19 pg portfolio of other illustrations from various sources.

Product #: glamint.23
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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