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Glamour International #12

10/88 - History of Erotic Literature. This 100 pg issue features a wraparound cover by Milo Manara. Book consists of 4 - 6 page excerpts from classic literature with illustrations by contemporary artists plus short bographical notes on each author. Works featured are
'The Satyricon' by Petronius with art by Georges Pichard,
'The Decameron' by Boccaccio with art by Carlo Ambronsini,
'Posie' by Giorgio Baffo with art by Milo Manara,
'Les Liasons Dangereuses' by Choderlos De Laclos with art by Corrado Roi,
'Madame Bovary' by Gustave Flaubert with art by Anna Brandoli,
'My Secret Life' by Henry Spencer Ashbee with art by Leone Frollo,
'Opus Pistorum' by Henry Miller with art by Guido Crepax and a small pic of Bettie Page,
'Women' by Charles Bukowski with art by Angelo Stano.
There is also an article about pornography with numerous classical paintings and illustrations and an outstanding 40 pg bibliography of erotic literature with scores of illustrations - great reference but it's all in Italian.

Product #: glamint.12
Number in Stock: 5
Price: $35.00
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