Pleasure - v1 #2
1960 from Art Enterprises, Inc. Several familiar faces but most names are bogus. Covergirl Glenda Graham also has 4 pgs as 'Linda Mann'. Gail Williams & Sharon Smith each have 4 pgs, Lila Sorrens has 3 pgs and Jackie Hilton has 2 pgs. Also Dani Roche & Stacey Morgan share 6 pgs - 1 is Alicyn Sanborn. Fiction by Robert Bloch 'The Sex Education of Homer'. Mag has a 1/2 size (4" wide x 11" tall) booklet at center - a condensed version of 'Lust Farm' by Jacques Louis. Covers have pulled loose at staples, price written on cover in pencil, is missing the 2 center pages (45-48) of the condensed book.
Product #: vpn-pleasure-v1.2inc
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00